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@bonnielu wrote:

Friends of ours, three couples charge outside in driveway.  
As for me not interested in an electric car.  Not enough space to list problems they have had with these cars.  

I have no interest in them either.  I am curious though.  Does their electric bill go up?  Do they pay at these charging stations? Yikes I just cannot see having one of these cars.

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The irony is that the risk of vehicle fire is significantly higher in gasoline engines. Google some data.

Granted, an EV fire can be difficult to put out.
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i guess some have to sit at a charging station for a full charge?

there are many apartment complexes and condo complexes where you do not have access to charging stations.

my current plan is never to own an all electric car. so far, it is working. LOL

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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My son and DIL have two EVs....they had to have chargers installed in their garage when they ordered their cars. They have Rivians but the chargers are three big Tesla panels.  You can have the chargers installed outside but they need to be covered to keep the elements off of them and they would be more like commercial one. The chargers that are at gas stations and other places are commercial and made to be out in the elements. I'm assuming they would be much more expensive.


I do know that the news is now saying extremely hot or cold weather is not going to let EVs always fully charge. Also the recent saltwater flooding down on the Texas coast has caused any EVs that were caught in it to be pretty worthless now. 

I still think that some of the whole EV industry is not quite ready for primetime yet; still too many details to work out and unknowns.

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@Snowpuppy wrote:

@magicmoodz wrote:

The Target Store down the street must have 8 or 10 charging stations.

And stand there while it charges....and hope you don't need a charge when the power is out.


That said, it's about 25 minutes to the closest station here.



When I gaze over at the cars being charged when I pull into the Target parking lot, most people are either on their phone or reading a book. They don't stand outside of their vehicles.


All that being said, there is a big push by certain residents in my condo building to install these charging stations for all the owners. I shudder to think what the cost would be.


Needless to say, I'm not interested.

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I'm not in the market for a new car yet, but thought I'd consider a hybrid. 


If I read the information correctly, when the electric charge goes down, you can switch to gas and the engine then charges the electric battery while you're driving.


Seems like a win-win convenience.


Or ........  did I get that wrong?



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Hot new items for thieves today:  electric car charging cables.

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I don't know the answer but I do  know if someone gave me an electric car - I would politely decline.

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I've  heard of strangers helping themselves to outside receptacles.   Better have a lock on it.

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I charge mine outside in my driveway overnight.  Works wonderful.  


I haven't heard of people stealing cords around here.  However, they are definitely targetting the power and telephone lines along the roads.