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@colliegirls wrote:

What are ear stretchers??  Are we talking about gauges in the ear??  Yes, they are very distracting. Our school does not allow them.

This surprises me.  Our district wouldn't allow eyebrow rings.  A parent that just happened to be a lawyer, threatened to sue. The dress code was changed.

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The Epiphany came to me in college.  We were all trying so hard to NOT look uniform, to present our own creative identity that was far and away not the establishment.... that it looked like we were all wearing a uniform!!  LOL... Everyone I knew who dissed the establishment, decided to buck the system and identify with being "free and easy" ALL looked the same.  So there was uniform identity..... whether or not they (us) believed it at the time...


And I see that today with various "groups"....   

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My SIL has ear disks and lots of tattoos, all black and of various design origins: no specific culture or philosophy behind them.  I can't say as I "like" them, because "in my eyes" he'd look so much better if he'd lose the ear disks and tattooed letters on his fingers.


My SIL grew up in a military family where he was given no space whatsoever to be himself - ever.  His father was an extremely overbearing Colonel and actually continues to be SO out of line with ugly words and crass behavior directed at my SIL and daughter that they have broken all ties with them and told them that they are to never have any contact with their grandchild.


Knowing what I do about my SIL's relationship with his father, I can totally understand why he is so into body modification.


I just wish they would stop placing temporary tattoos on our 23 month old grandaughter, as I find that to be an example of "conditioning." 

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@Felixthecat wrote:

I agree with you 100%--those body modifications are really quite disgusting!  Too bad some people are so warped that they are willing to do that to themselves in the name of expressing their individuality.

I totally agree.  And why the heck would you do something so disgusting just to get attention?  They really do creep me out, too!

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Gauges do not bother me. The only person I know that has them, owns a tattoo shop, very nice person though.

Although, today I saw a kid wearing his pants down below his butt cheeks and his underwear were bright orange lol....he was walking like he pooped his pants.

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@sfnative wrote:


I just wish they would stop placing temporary tattoos on our 23 month old grandaughter, as I find that to be an example of "conditioning." 



What does your daughter think of tattoos, particularly on a toddler?

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When I see those ear stretchers I cannot help but stare and wonder what the heck is happening to that earlobe.


I am not a fan of tattoos ever.

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Re: Ear stretchers...

[ Edited ]

They are called 'gauges' they give me the creeps as do eyebrow earrings.

My straight A College Art Major student grandson has his nipples pierced,really creeps me out. I just hope does not start doing any modifications he cannot hide.

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If they ever want to get these things taken out, they are going to wind up with half an ear for the rest of their lives.  I don't know what a cosmetic surgeon could do with this.  Take the whole ears off and replace with vinyl ones?


This is by far the worst looking body self mutilation.

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@LilacTree wrote:

If they ever want to get these things taken out, they are going to wind up with half an ear for the rest of their lives.  I don't know what a cosmetic surgeon could do with this.  Take the whole ears off and replace with vinyl ones?


This is by far the worst looking body self mutilation.



Basically, with the ring removed there's just a hole in the lobe that they stitch back together.


Now, I have tats (meaning I'm not ultra-conservative), but never was into all of these body piercings, other than my earlobes for earrings.


No one would even know I have tattoos, unless I want them to and each have special meanings.


I don't 'get' tongue piercings either, everyone has a lisp and doesn't food get all tangled up around those balls in their mouth???




But to each their own! Doesn't matter to me what anyone else wants to do to their bodies! Sames goes for plastic surgery!

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