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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

The crafting show was on today. If the show was scheduled for 1 hour why didn't they have it on for the entire hour. Mind you, Carolyn did speak very fast. I think she was so excited to show everything. But maybe if she had slowed down the show would have lasted the entire hour. The producers of this show need to stick to the time schedule.

I am commenting on this craft show now, whereas the show should be on now.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 694
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

On 3/5/2014 monks said:

nice to see u on qgirl 26. remember the old days. I don't think it will ever be like that again

have a crafty day. J

Hi monks! I do remember the good old days. I feel so nostalgic for them sometimes. They had the best shows and we all used to shop together on these boards. That was always such fun! I sure wish it could be like that again.

Nice to see you and hope you have a crafty day as well!

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Posts: 694
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

On 3/5/2014 LJoy said:

The crafting show was on today. If the show was scheduled for 1 hour why didn't they have it on for the entire hour. Mind you, Carolyn did speak very fast. I think she was so excited to show everything. But maybe if she had slowed down the show would have lasted the entire hour. The producers of this show need to stick to the time schedule.

I am commenting on this craft show now, whereas the show should be on now.

LJoy, it doesn't matter how slow or fast Carolyn speaks because they give them a certain time limit on each item. I have heard if an item is not moving, they will wrap it up quicker than originally planned to move onto the next item. But usually the only way they wrap up early is if the show is a success and nearly everything sold out. I'm thinking this one was not successful but maybe that is just me being a negative nellie. Personally, I was disappointed in what they presented. I like the DCWV items but I can buy those locally if I want them. I have the Crafter's Companion enveloper (which I find to be only okay) and don't want this bigger kit (which I've seen presented on HSN a few years back). It just felt outdated and all wrong. But I do hope others were happy and maybe I am in the minority.

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Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

I'll stick with the shows on HSN. I thought the value wasn't there and the shipping was high, IMHO. The show probably would have been even shorter if they hadn't showed that picture frame item which was on one of the home shows recently. Maybe they're just testing the waters. They've got a long way to go to get where they once were. Sad to say, I bought nothing. Wasn't even tempted. But maybe it's a start for them.

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Posts: 694
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

Krimpette, Carolyn did say they were just sticking their toes in the crafting waters to see how it went. She said they had a short supply of all the items and the fact that there were no sold out signs cannot be good.

But for me, HSN is getting my crafting dollars too.

Posts: 65
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

I was really looking forward to this craft show but in my opinion, it was a big flop. That chalkboard set looked so childish - it might be good for young mothers with young children, but I would have no use for it. When I make cards, I like to use Anna Griffin's beautiful kits. But to each their own, of course. I checked with the BIG STORE online (which I always do now) and the markers did cost more than on the Q, but they got very bad reviews. Some reviewers said some of the markers in their sets arrived already dried up.

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Re: EXCITING!!!! Craft show on Wednesday, March 5th

I watched it online and got interrupted half way through so didn't see the last half hour. Were they rushing through to get to the high priced item, the sewing machine? My vote goes for the artwork, the cards and layouts were great. I wanted more focus on the samples and less on the stacks themselves. I never was interested in the Chalkboard Stack before, but seeing the accompanying Chalkboard Art Stack and the way they were both used interested me. I love Anna Griffin too but there's room for plenty more. I was also impressed with Sarah Davies' presentation. She could sell digital crafts on an island with no broadband! That said, the show did seem like market testing. I think it wasn't so much about the products themselves, as it was about who's watching when and how tech savvy are they?