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Most of the buildings are gone too.   Just empty grounds.

In the future some companies will buy that land and build new buildings.   Could be apt., office buildings, or hotels.  Or places to eat.

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@tedEbear wrote:

I also will bemoan the end of the LongBeach plant.  It was always there at the corner of Lakewood Blvd and Carson St. Douglas Aircraft, then McDonnelll-Douglas, then final was Boeing. My DS worked in the C-17 building, as a painter.  AirForceOne was painted there and he was part of crew doing the painting.  It provided jobs for generations of people.  There is a Boeing plant in Mesa,AZ that makes Apache Helos.  It is sad so many jobs have gone by the wayside and it is okay to bemoan, or mourn them---------tedEbear

I agree.  Having been born and raised for the first 11 years of my life in Long Beach, everyone worked at McDonnell Douglas.  

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@onewhiteSparrow I know it is not exactly the same, but I worked for an airline for 20 years that was in business since the 20's. Very sad and upsetting time for me.

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[ Edited ]

@proudlyfromNJ,  Don't be sad... this is closing doors and making new doors for the future.   The future belongs to the next generations.   


I am proud of you working for 20 years for an airline.   Good going. 

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@newziesuzie wrote:

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

I was not "bemoaning" anything.   I was sharing information about the end of an era.


Ca.  has been losing major companies for years.     


You're  talking about regretting though or being

unhappy for the change and that's bemoaning.

It would be interesting to know what new

companies has California gained.

Technology is a big growth industry there.







California has been losing businesses for years and years, especialy big ones.  Tech has always been around and will continue.  Once Mr. B leaves, California may have a chance to become business-friendly once again.  It hasn't been such for a long time. Taxes, taxes, taxes.  My husband and I could write a book.

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@sfnative wrote:

@newziesuzie wrote:

@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

I was not "bemoaning" anything.   I was sharing information about the end of an era.


Ca.  has been losing major companies for years.     


You're  talking about regretting though or being

unhappy for the change and that's bemoaning.

It would be interesting to know what new

companies has California gained.

Technology is a big growth industry there.







California has been losing businesses for years and years, especialy big ones.  Tech has always been around and will continue.  Once Mr. B leaves, California may have a chance to become business-friendly once again.  It hasn't been such for a long time. Taxes, taxes, taxes.  My husband and I could write a book.





I am not sure why some of you need me to be sad or "bemoaning".  


I love looking toward the future.  I love new things in the world.   So me I was excited to be a part of the day of getting to ENJOY the End Of An Era.  


Ca.  is not business friendly.  The taxes are down right on the edge of keeping their hands in our business for more money.  They make up new laws or rules just to collect more money.   


Ca. is NOT a place to start a business.   

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[ Edited ]

@VCamp2748 wrote:

Boeing has not left CA completely.  I have a close relative who works for Boeing in the LA area.



@DoneTryin,   The News interviewed a man that works for Boeing and he said tomorrow 2,200 people will get their "Lay Off Notice."   And be out of a job.  



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@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

Today at Noon, the very last C-17 will leave Long Beach Airport.  Located in Long Beach, Ca.

It's the last C-17;  it's the last aircraft built in Long Beach; and it's the last aircraft built in the L.A. Basin of Southern California.


The once vibrant aviation industry in Southern California is now finished.


North American,  gone.

Northrop,  gone.

Rockwell,  gone.

Lockheed, gone.

Hughes, gone.

Douglas, gone.

McDonnell Douglas,  gone.

Boeing,  gone.


The last lift off fight was powerful to watch as it flew toward the East, and out of sight.   


Shoekitty said


That is a load of malarky.  My husband is working for one of those companies you mentioned above, my cousin works at one and a friend at another...they are still there! 


BTW     Hughes,  Rockwell and Lockheed have merged over the years.  Hughes is gone because it is Lockheed/Martin now as is part of  Rockwell.


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Kinda same topic, I guess. The Enola Gay was built at a suburb of our city. The B-29 was an integral part of ending the war in the Pacific. Operating out of of few airbases, one of which was Guam. 


Escorted by the P-51 fighter plane these B-29 bombers were the end of Japan's attempt to rule the West. I remember well the parade in our city in recognition of this specific B-29. "End of an Era and of a War"!




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What about companies who either opened more plants in the USA in tax friendly states or union/choice if union states?