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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

ITA irish.....I think he'll get it in time though....he's just mourning his own loss of future right now.....what a waste... how about calling your mama and ask what you should do??? Duh come clean and turn yourself in.young. immature......a pack/team mentality......
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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

I just googled this case and read some of the disgusting details. Those students committed horrendous deeds on this woman. To think one of those boys was a ""boyfriend"" of hers??? I have no sympathy for any of the perpetrators!

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

On 2/9/2015 MickD said: ITA irish.....I think he'll get it in time though....he's just mourning his own loss of future right now.....what a waste... how about calling your mama and ask what you should do??? Duh come clean and turn yourself in.young. immature......a pack/team mentality......

The whole situation stinks. This girl is changed forever and their bright futures are gone. No winner there, you know? Alcohol mixed with the pack mentality is a very strong thing. Study after study show what completely normal kids (or even adults) will do in these situations that they would never do alone and it is truly frightening.

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

A possible 100 years? Murderers don't get such a sentence. What was done was horrific, but I don't think they should basically lose their lives over it.

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

On 2/9/2015 physicsnut said:

ALL all guilty and alcohol started it all. The "victim" is guilty of putting herself in this situation - she had been drinking heavily and the bartender said she was a frequent guest. Sad all the way around - but no one gets a pass from me - including the girl.

I must say, that's the dumbest thing I've seen on here in a long time .... by blaming the victim, you are (in part) excusing the criminal acts these idiots committed. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

Years ago when Golda Meir was Prime Minister of Israel, a series of rapes were occurring. A Cabinet minister told her that women should have a curfew to prevent the rapes. Golda said no. If anyone was to be locked up, it should be the men since they were the rapists. Sadly, that still goes for today. Women are in no way at fault, but I believe we do have to be more careful than men. They're still the rapists.

Edited to add that I think that football player was full of Bull poo. His sentencing is coming up, and he wanted to look good for the camera. I feel terrible for his mother, and of course, for the girl who had to go through that horrible ordeal. I think he's a piece of scum who should have the book thrown at him.

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

There is a story similar to this here in Georgia. Young woman drunk and group of ""boys"" doing what they do. These monsters were still in high school. All lives changed forever.

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

Dr. Phil said he also spoke with Batey’s attorney Worrick Robinson, who he believes wants the healing process to begin for everyone involved.

“I believe [Robinson] gets it and truly thinks the reason he allowed this interview to take place is he does want the healing to start. I think he wants it to start with Cory. I think he wants it to start with this victim. I think he wants it to start with Vanderbilt. I think he wants it to start in Nashville,” Dr. Phil explained.

Following the shows airing, Robinson sent a statement to News 2 about the interview with Cory Batey. It read, in full:

After watching the hour long special produced by Dr. Phil and his staff I am completely disappointed. In agreeing to do the sit-down interview I was promised the focus would be on awareness and advocacy. Dr. Phil failed to deliver that.

I granted the exclusive to Dr. Phil hoping to spotlight underage drinking, campus culture, peer pressure and the effects it can have on any high school or college student.

I want to stress Cory did not profit from this interview. No one was paid. I do feel the tragedies of June 23 can and will impact future students and teens, male and female. I just regret that opportunity to effect change was missed today.

Batey and Vandenburg are scheduled to be sentenced on March 6. They face a minimum of 15 years in prison.

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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

Preds - well...... The interview did focus on underage drinking, campus culture and the form of this guy.....what did Robinson expect??? It's Dr. Phil.....
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Dr. Phil - Vanderbilt University Rapist Interview

On 2/10/2015 Preds said:

Batey and Vandenburg are scheduled to be sentenced on March 6. They face a minimum of 15 years in prison.

Would they really serve at least 15 years? I certainly hope so.