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Does anyone know New Jersey Law

If an elderly person dies at home of natural causes and is not under the care of a Doctor---Is an autopsy necessary?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Does anyone know New Jersey Law

Call the local public health department and ask this? Were the police involved? Call a local funeral home and ask this question-- they might know the answer too.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Does anyone know New Jersey Law

can't speak to Jersey law but I would imagine it would depend on what you call ""natural causes"". I have had a couple of friends who had terminal illnesses and died at home under hospice care. No autopsy. however if a individual had no specific disease and suddenly died without warning I would imagine a autopsy would be necessary. They have to put something on the death certificate and I don't think ""natural causes"" is acceptable. A friend of mine's husband passed away at age 72 in his sleep. He was not under a doctor' a care except for regular check ups and had no specific illnesses or heart problems. yes a autopsy was done.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Does anyone know New Jersey Law

My aunt died peacefully in her sleep at age 76. She had an irregular heart rhythm and was in treatment for that, but nothing else.

I had to call the police to knock down the door to find her.

The officer had to call in a detective who interviewed me (to make sure there was no foul play, I guess). There was no need for an autopsy. She went directly to the funeral director.

That was NY State.