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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I hate when an OP has a long string of photos then several people feel they must quote the OP so all the photos are repeated.  WHY, WHY? 

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

@CherryHugs No, you did fine.  🍒🤗. That's a cherry hug, by the way.  LOL

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@Anonymous032819 I agree with both.   The two chatting should take their conversation elsewhere.  It's a sad thread in my opinion.   

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The mega long 15+ page threads become limited to certain groups of posters. Unless a poster has regularly kept up, getting to the most recent postings is next to impossible. To get there requires scrolling through pages of years old entries.


We get admonished for bring up old threads so it's a mystery why these remain.


The other issue involves off topic conversations between two posters who commandeer the thread for back and forth sudo-texting.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I don't like when several quotes are included in a comment. It gets confusing as to who the quotes belong to and adds nothing. The original meaning is lost. 


It isn't difficult to eliminate all extra quotes and only add the one to which the poster is replying. I wish more people would do that.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

Exactly!  You can respond to the most recent poster and delete the 35 previous comments.  Makes for much more pleasant and easier reading.  Which should be the goal.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

The solution to multiple quotes within a post is as simple as taking the time to highlight and delete the unneeded quotes, just leaving the part to which you are responding.


Same goes with photos.  When quoting a post with photos the photos can be deleted then just continue with the response.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads


@teganslaw wrote:

I don't like when several quotes are included in a comment. It gets confusing as to who the quotes belong to and adds nothing. The original meaning is lost. 


It isn't difficult to eliminate all extra quotes and only add the one to which the poster is replying. I wish more people would do that.

It is confusing and often the wrong poster is taken to task for something they never wrote. Then there follows attempted sorting and denials.

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

Great points to bring up @CherryHugs  and I agree.  It make reading very difficult. 

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Re: Does anyone agree about long threads

I too get confused when several posters are quoted in a single post and I’m trying to keep track of who said what.  But I don’t mind long threads of posts (many pages).  There are certain ongoing long threads I look at often so I start at the end and work my way back to where I remember I’ve already read (for example - I might have read it the day before).