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Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

Last one I watched was Donahue. I just don't. Do you watch any daytime talk shows and if so, which ones?

Editing this to explain, I wonder what the ladies on this forum watch.

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

No, I don't.

I like Ellen, but for some reason never have time to watch when she's on.

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

I watch some of Good Morning America before I go out to do my walking. Then I watch the host chat with Kelly and Michael and don't watch anything again till my husband puts the local news on at 4:00.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

I watch Hoda and Kathy at 10 am.....

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

No. I listen to talk radio or watch talk radio on my TV.

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

the view

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

I used to watch the View, but I've finally given up on it.

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

I used to watch The View but have given up on that. I Tivo The Talk but can't stand Sheryl's stupid stories and the way she laughs hysterically at her own jokes. I fast forward thru most of that show now because of her. I like the rest of the hosts but think I may be done with The Talk too!

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

No. I don't watch ANY daytime TV talk shows. I don't watch any network programming at all.....I don't watch Fox news, Glenn Bock, or any political commentary.....I don't watch any show that is political, from either side. I read the news.

I watch TCM, and other classic movies, but my favorite show is The Andy Griffith Show. I will not watch any shows that are violent, gory, or excessively sexual; which includes just about every program on network TV and thus, why I don't watch.....I like shows like Snapped, Intervention, I used to watch A&E's Biography, etc. History and Discovery channel.

I also watch some Christian programming, actually, a lot of Christian programming and other things of interest but I don't watch anything with commercials without DVRing it first.

I do watch the Real Housewives of BH and Atlanta....always record them first so I can FF through the commercials. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: Do you watch any daytime talk shows?

I catch a few minutes of the View once in a while.

I watch or listen to Ellen a few times a week. I love her show.