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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

I do not; nitrous oxide can reduce B12 levels.  

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

To be clear, nitrous oxide is neither an anesthetic nor does it deaden pain in any way.  I was totally anesthetized (knocked out completely) when I had my wisdom teeth pulled, just like any other surgery.  I still have injections to deaden pain in addition to the "gas" when I want it.


It's merely an option for relaxation instead of say, taking a mild tranquilizer before your visit.  I like it because it's totally controlled and when I get out of the chair, I am as clear headed as when I sat down.

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

I've been to the dentist twice a year for too many years to count!


I've only had gas twice - many years apart.  Both times it was an impacted wisdom tooth..  


All other extractions, root canals, bonding, filling, etc. etc.  done with shots.



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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

I've only been knocked out (twice) when I had my wisdom teeth removed.  I've never had gas, always novacaine.

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

Never and I have had just about everything done to my teeth:  extractions, fillings, root canals, crowns, impressions, braces, bridges, implants (off the top of my memory).   I am pretty stoic and not a lot bothers me so I prefer to remain very alert and focused.  I had an accident that seriously comprised my teeth and have had procedures and repeat procedures.  

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

I always get the conscious sedation IV.  I am awake but I have no memory of the actual procedure going on at least for me.  All I remember is after the IV is inserted, I sit back, the dentist, the assistant & I chit chat.  The next thing I remember is getting up out the chair w/o the attached IV,  pain free & clear headed.  I drive myself home.

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

I use to get it for one of my daughters because she had a lot of anxiety, she is fine now.


Once I asked for valium before but it was such a hassle to get hubby to drive me and pick me up that I never did it again.  As long as the novacain works I am fine.  I have had extractions and never felt a thing.

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

[ Edited ]

Yes always.  It relaxes me and calms me down. 


When we first moved to the area 31 years ago I called around and asked many dentists if they offered it and many at the time did not.  I found one who did and have been with him since then.


I also really like him as well.  He's agreat dentist but expensive.


ETA:  It may not agree with some people but I have never had a problem.  As soon as he takes the mask off I am fine and not even a little groggy.  He does give me a few minutes of oxygen before removing the mask.


I can drive myself home...however the mask leaves marks on my face that can take a few hours to go away.

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Just to let everyone know - the gas does not knock you out.  You are 100% aware of what's going on.  It just takes away the stress/anxiety.  It has a very calming effect.

Yes ....I am never kocked out!  As a matter of fact, I have a lot of conversations about all sorts of topics with my dentist (he's the type who just like to talk a LOT) name it he will talk about it.  The hard part is saying anything when your mouth is open and he's working on it!  LOL!

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Re: Do you opt for gas when getting a dental procedure?

They've never offered this option but I sure wouldn't turn it down.