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Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

I live in St. Augustine and I hate it.  It is touristy, hot and not a lot to do unless you like to go in tourist shops or love the beach. There is no real shopping malls unless you travel an hour or more.  I am not a beach lover...sitting in the sun and sand yuk....It is so hot in the summer that a trip to the mail box will leave you sweaty.  Any outdoor activity from May to October is miserable.   Of course there is crime but not too bad yet.  The only thing I can say good about it is the winters are mild.  Tell me about a nice place to live. 

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

New York, New York ... fantastic city.  


I'm a native NY'er, but have lived in LA and San Francisco.  


New York is better.


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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

[ Edited ]

Madison, Wisconsin is biker and pet-friendly with a thriving social scene and top-notch universities.  Beautiful lakes, large weekend farmer's market, and some great restaurants too.

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

If you are looking for a crime free place, you're out of luck.  Crime is part of the human experience but the level and type of crimes depends on where you live in any city or town.  There's always less crime in the upper income sections.  I've always wanted to visit St. Augustine, I love places that have a lot of history and culture.  You seem to hate where you live, that's unfortunate.  Are you able to relocate?   I live in the Boston area and I love it.  We're native Bostonians for generations and generations.  I think we have it all here, whatever you want, we have it.   Theatre, ballet, symphonies, history, great universities, gread medical institutions, parks, beaches, skiing....the list goes on and one but property and rents are very high.  It's hard, especially for young professionals.  I'm at a point where I can't stand the winters.  I've had enough of snow and ice and freezing cold and our winters are so long.  But I'll never really leave because everything I love is here, especially our family.   However, when we do retire, we will spend the coldest part of the winter in a warmer area....perhaps St. Augustine.  

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

@chrystaltree Love Boston!!!!!!!! It is one of my most favorite cities! It does have everything...... 

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

I'm a native New Yorker and until last year, I thought NYC was the best city.

Until I went to Boston. Since then, I dream of living there and I will make it happen.


Boston is what NYC used to be a long time ago. Beautiful, clean and family friendly. I was in Manhattan last weekend and I am so over it. The feeling I felt  in Boston was so impactful. Full of possibilities without all the hardship of NYC. Just pure happiness. 


In Boston, you can walk and you feel completely safe. It's such a beautiful city and well kept. You see families with baby strollers and it's not as fast paced as NYC. No one is running you over on the sidewalk just to get by. It's like a well manicured, safe and more relaxed NYC. You can see raising children here with no problem.


I just love Boston now.



~Live with Intention~
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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

I vote for Boston too - lived there many decades ago.  But I've always dreamed about the state of Conn. - it has mild winters - a real money place - and not so far South to have severe bugs - humidity & high crime.

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

@chiclet wrote:

I live in St. Augustine and I hate it.  It is touristy, hot and not a lot to do unless you like to go in tourist shops or love the beach. There is no real shopping malls unless you travel an hour or more.  I am not a beach lover...sitting in the sun and sand yuk....It is so hot in the summer that a trip to the mail box will leave you sweaty.  Any outdoor activity from May to October is miserable.   Of course there is crime but not too bad yet.  The only thing I can say good about it is the winters are mild.  Tell me about a nice place to live. 

I can feel your pain.  I lived in Ohio for 47 years, and in Central FL now for 10.  It is hot and humid in the summers, but I am used to it.  I don't like the beach either, and have been there maybe 3 times in 10 years.  However, I live in an small artsy town and there is lots to do here.  There is a seafood festival this weekend.  There is always something fun and different going on and I am thankful for that.


There is no perfect place to live.  No matter what anyone says, there will be something you don't like about it.  If you can move, think about moving.  You don't know what it is really like to live somewhere until you do.  If you can't move, then at least take some comfort in the fact that there are surely lots of people who would trade places with you!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

[ Edited ]

Colorado Springs. I can't think of any reason not to love it! The scenery, bluest skies, NO BUGS, fresh air and my city doesn't seem to be affected by inflation. If you plan on moving here then you will have to wait a long, long time to find a place to live. There are no vacancies because people are coming in hoards.


To give you an idea just how hot the real estate market is here right now...the market value of my house keeps going up by $3500 each month for the past year. Rent is going up by 50 to 100 every month depending on where you are in the city. It's absolutely insane.


Denver is north of us and housing is worse there. Overflow of people from Denver are trying to buy homes and live here. When they find no place to live here in Colorado Springs, they go further south of us to Pueblo which is also experiencing massive growth. Colorado is going through about a 38% growth rate right now.

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Re: Do you live in or know of a great city? If so why is it great.

@chiclet.....we cant change the climate etc.... but we can change what happens in a city.... there are people who are active in making things happen.... like making sure there are museums, etc. .... places for children to enjoy.... people who help with the zoning to ensure that teens have places they can enjoy.... 


So.... my suggestion is find a place that you can get a job, enjoy the climate, and then throw yourself into making the community a better place to live....