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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

I live in a place where it's rarely necessary, but when I do, I always stay in the car.In some cities, it is illegal to leave a car unattended with the engine running, so I just don't do it and then I never have to remember if that law applies in whatever city I'm in at the moment.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Sure do in the driveway. Where I live probably below freezing 3 months a year and in teens and single figures a good part of it. Both my cars are manual transmission so car starters aren't an option.
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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

If warming the car for personal warmth only,

it seems extremely wasteful.


When gas was $3-4/gallon, I would think

that would make a dent in the budget...

especially over the course of long winter.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

[ Edited ]

I do every morning. I live in a suburb of Des Moines, IA though. The crime rate here is really low. I can't imagine this ever happening in my neighborhood - really. Even if I park in the garage I still like to warm my car up. Then again, it's like 1- 15 degrees here lately during the day so.... garage doesn't provide a ton of warmth.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

@sunshine45 wrote:

@VCamp2748 wrote:


@sunshine45 wrote:

just curious......for those that have a heated there any other particular reason it is heated other than to keep your cars warm? i dont think i have ever heard of heating a garage before.

Maybe to help keep house water pipes from freezing?



we dont have any heat in our garage, but we do turn off the water supply for our outdoor faucets (usually from november to march/april) that are connected to the garage and have no insulation.

but you may be right......

I think people do it here just so when they get out of their car and walk into their house (assuming the house is attached) they don't freeze while unloading the car or just going inside. 

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Yes, I did when I lived in Buffalo. I would go out and start the car and then lock the doors with the remote. Problem solved. 

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

@sidsmom wrote:

If warming the car for personal warmth only,

it seems extremely wasteful.


When gas was $3-4/gallon, I would think

that would make a dent in the budget...

especially over the course of long winter.

Where I used to live you needed to warm the car up before you could drive because despite scraping the windshield it still had a layer of frost and the heaters needed to defog the windows so you could see out. May be a little wasteful but so is paying a deductable for running into something. It is definitely a safety issue.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

You can't drive a car when the windows have frost on them.  It takes a little while for them to defrost.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

Yes I start the car from the house using the remote. The car must be locked in order for the engine to start.  As others have said, you cannot put the car in drive.

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Re: Do you leave your car unattended when warming it up?....

@brii wrote:

You can't drive a car when the windows have frost on them.  It takes a little while for them to defrost.

 ahaha ya and if you exhale in the cold, they are all frosted again on the inside

I take it not everyone here lives in our tundra....LOL