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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

Since I retired, most days are "me days".  One of the luxuries I looked forward to while working for all those years. 

Same here, @deepwaterdotter. I never knew anything could be so glorious as retirement. 8) Just the very smallest things there never was time to enjoy. I bless and enjoy every day and hope everyone gets to enjoy them. 

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

No DH anymore, no children, everyday can be "me day," and I do love the days when I have zero commitments to anyone or ant group. But my best days are those that I donate to a charitable cause and help someone. Those are the days that leave me with a full heart.

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

Now that I'm retired, every day is Me day. But even before, while I was still working, I would treat myself once every few weeks to some type of massage (regular, chair, foot, etc), or spa treatment - pedicure, facial.

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

@Moonchilde wrote:

Now that I'm retired, every day is Me day. But even before, while I was still working, I would treat myself once every few weeks to some type of massage (regular, chair, foot, etc), or spa treatment - pedicure, facial.



I try to do this once a week.  I alternate my pedicures and manicures to have them on alternate weeks, even though I see most people have them done at the same time.  

I often plan a day off to include one of these visits, plus some time spent browsing the local shops. 

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

I'm 70 years old.  I haven't worked in over 40 years.  When my wonderful husband died and my 3 daughters and grandchildren are happy and healthy I decided to make every day a "me" day.


I have been able to do what I want for many years.  I used to tell my girls, "Be happy in your life, don't look back, look forward to tomorrow when things will be even more wonderful.  You control your happiness.


I'm always happy to hear when people who've worked so hard for so many years and helped others are able to have ME days.  One good thing about being old(er) is you are forced to have ME days.

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

Every day, I carve out "me moments," usually first thing in the morning and also late in the evening.  Personal grooming is a habit, a routine, but what makes me look and feel really good is time spent letting go of stress or worry and remembering to be grateful.

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

Not really but I do take a "me hour" almost daily to run and exercise.
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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

I take me time every weekend.  I may take a couple hours and do a home beauty treatment; go for a mani/pedi; watch an afternoon of mindless tv; lunch out.

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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?


Every day I live is a "me" and a "we" day.




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Re: Do you have a regular 'me' day?

i try to have them several times a month. they are a chance for me to be by myself, have a manicure/pedicure, watch some of my favorite shows old and new, make some foods that i love, go out to a diner or restaurant or bar and have a drink and get something to eat....all by myself, have a car ride, take a stroll at an outdoor mall/ town center, browse inside the stores for "nothing," sit on the beach and read a book or listen to my favorite music,

 i cherish my ME time.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein