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Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

I get spendy in Autumn, I've been buying and buying.  I get spendy when Spring happens too. Summer makes me want to hang out in bars and stay out all night. Winter is TMI so I'll give that one a pass. 


So, do the change of seasons affect you, if so, how?

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

I get worn out by the heat of summer, and usually my energy rises again once cooler weather sets in.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

I love the solitude of winter.  It separates the men from the boys.


Having often worked in "agriculture", I must say I like spring the least.  Means work!  The "verge" seasons are my favorite - the times when the world has done it's part to complete a cycle of life.


I buy stuff 365!  I don't think I discriminate when it comes to that.  I would always applaud hanging out in bars and staying up all night - kiddin' me?

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

I love the life, colors, and outdoor activities of spring and summer.  Fall would not be so bad if it didn't lead into dreary, dark, and depressing winter.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

Love winter..I was born in the winter so maybe that is the reason.  I love using the fireplace and the kind of cooking we do in winter!

Love spring because I look forward to Easter and the flowers blooming and seeing the spring and summer clothes appear in the stores!

Summer is just o.k. with me!  I don't care for heat but do enjoy the outside get togethers as long as there is no flying insects around!!

Love, Love, the fall!!  Enjoy the pumpkins and Thanksgiving and of course, the entire Chrismas season!!Woman Very Happy


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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

i love each and every season!

the only reason i could guess that i spend more in the fall is because of the holidays.

i love hanging out in bars all year long......not just summer. i enjoy the atmosphere and trying new cocktails.....and munching on appetizers. there is never a time anymore that i want to stay awake all night. i cherish my sleep.

Summertime zaps my energy and appetite, especially when it is hot and humid. i feel energized when autumn comes around......the cooler weather just invigorates me and i enjoy having the windows open day and night! i like that the days are darker earlier.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

I'm always glad when the Christmas preparation/shopping rush is over.  People seem calmer and friendlier after the new year starts.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

@occasionalrain wrote:

I get spendy in Autumn, I've been buying and buying.  I get spendy when Spring happens too. Summer makes me want to hang out in bars and stay out all night. Winter is TMI so I'll give that one a pass. 


So, do the change of seasons affect you, if so, how?

I'm obviously quite a bit older than you.  I do buy clothing in the late spring and early summer, as well as in preparation for fall - I love fall and winter clothing and fall and winter weather.  BUT I don't understand wanting to hang out in bars and stay out all night.  I wish you'd give us a little more of an explanation andtell us about why this happens to you. Not critical - just curious.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

@GingerPeach wrote:

I get worn out by the heat of summer, and usually my energy rises again once cooler weather sets in.


I'm exactly the same.  Doesn't have any effect on my buying desires, but I have much more energy and am a lot happier with daytime temps in the 50s-70s.

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Re: Do the Change of Seasons Affect You?

The change of seasons most definitely affects me. I feel much better when the weather is warmer & I can be outside. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder so I hate colder weather, which is late fall & all winter. I  don't work so I pretty much hibernate all winter, only leaving the house to go to appointments & grocery shopping. Once it starts warming up & things are reborn, I pep up & feel reborn myself.