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I just checked the card I got for my husband and the glittery stuff on the front of the card is pretty tight.   You'd have to scrape it with your fingernail or a knife to get any of it off.  *whew*   Smiley Happy  hehe


It is a beautiful card, though, and I know he'll like it.

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LOL!!! Yes ITA with you. I always open mine over the kitchen sink. In the trash it goes if it has glitter on it. I don't want it all over my hands or my house. Surely they can find a way to use it so it does not get all over place. Great new invention for someone.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

The last time I checked it wasn't (nor should it be) against the law to send glittered cards!


When my girls were in school, most of what they 'designed' had glitter on it!  Many people love glitter.


If the OP doesn't like glitter, she doesn't have to open the card.  However, I hope that the terrible people who sent her a glittered card find out she never opened it and threw it directly into the trash (me being sarcastic).  I'm sure they have no idea how much she HATES glitter.


As for me, good grief!  There are people who would love to receive a card, glittered or not.  


People don't have a place to live.  People don't have any loved ones or just lost a loved one.  People don't have any food this Christmas (or any other day).....and the OP wants to outlaw 'glitter'?  Are you kidding me?


Just throw the card away....end of discussion.



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015

I love glitter!


It's so pretty and sparkly!


The world needs more sparkles.



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Registered: ‎05-12-2012

I DO open the mistake for not saying so....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Lucky for us we have a vacuum cleaner.  Today two (terribly thoughtless) people sent us cards with glitter.  Maybe I should call and tell them, from now on if they plan to send us a card, please make sure there is no glitter on it.


This thread cannot really be serious.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

We got a card today and the envelope was filled with loose glitter - my kitchen floor was covered , my shoes & socks and my t shirt. I went to the gym and a lady there was asking me if I glittered myself on purpose. She said it is in my hair and on my face and arms. Good Grief. Now the machines at the Y are glittered. Merry Christmas!!!

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010
Hence the many Dyson offerings lol

I do understand about the glitter. I have bought glitter cards and curse them at the same time as they go get everywhere even weeks later.
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Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Most of the cards with glitter on them at the Hallmark Store had plastic sleeves that you can leave on when sending. I am not a fan of glitter but it still makes it easier for the recipient to decide if they wish to remove the plastic sleeve and display the card either way....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I have never received a card with glitter on it to the extent that some posters are claiming.  In fact, I've never even seen a card with so much glitter that it was a problem to clean it up easily.  I enjoy the "festive-ness" of a card with least the cards that I've received.