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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I just checked our cities mall website for its annual Halloween festivities.  Nothing as been posted one way or another.  It is really too early.  My grandchildren go every year then stop at my place for just one door to ring.  Most will still participate in some form or fashion if they do to begin with every year.  Those that never do will still not. 


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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I think trick-or-treating, a completely outdoor activity, is a safer option than a house party. We know from science that the virus is mainly transmitted through aspirated droplets, and that wearing a mask and being outdoors are both ways to minimize the risk of breathing in the droplets. I usually have 100-150 trick-or-treaters every year, and I will use a fishing net to pass out candy from a distance. I'll put on gloves, drop a piece of candy in the net, and pass it to the child. Don't laugh! I'm serious!


As for the "germy kids" comments above, all I can say is that there have been hundreds of thousands of children in daycare throughout this entire pandemic. I have 3 family members who work in childcare and have been doing so for months now. I also have 2 family members who teach elementary school, and taught in-person summer school and are now back in the classroom for the regular school year. I am about to welcome 12 students back to school myself. And, oh yeah, I have 3 "germy kids" at home. I'll take my chances with Halloween!  


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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I say have Halloween.  Kids will be wearing masks!

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I think Halloween in my neighborhood will be less than stellar this year.  Definitely less kids but probably some that parents will let out to a few homes.  I will have candy just in case....just won't buy as much.  It is a bummer.  I really enjoy everything about Halloween, especially seeing little ones dressed up.

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@Krimpette wrote:

I have already decided that I'm not going to participate in trick-or-treating this year.  Just not comfortable.

@Krimpette I loved it when it was a neighborhood thing.  But the years lately when it became bus and van loads of kids from other cities, and the streets full of  people we quit.


Two years now we haven't participated and we loved it so much before.  But you start opening your door to so many people you don't know, in large group after large group, lots of "kids" too old to be doing this and have people running all around your house, no more.  It was sad but we're done with it. 

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

I think door-to-door random trick-or-treating will be canceled in my city.


My guess is kids will still dress up and go to homes of nearby friends/family anyway.   There will likely be small parties for kids in their homes with a few friends.



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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

probably everything  else has

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@Infinite Mom 47 wrote:

I say have Halloween.  Kids will be wearing masks!



Most of the kids around here either paint their faces or have loose-fitting masks with openings for the nose, mouth, and eyes. 

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@alicedee wrote:

I think door-to-door random trick-or-treating will be canceled in my city.


My guess is kids will still dress up and go to homes of nearby friends/family anyway.   There will likely be small parties for kids in their homes with a few friends.





This is the way we have always done our Halloween festivities, although we usually have a party at the elementary school, which has been canceled this year. 

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Re: Do You Think Halloween Will Be Cancelled

@chickenbutt wrote:

Should be or will be?    I have a feeling it won't be, but maybe it should be.


BTW, I was at the grocery store a week ago and there was already the Halloween table filled with candy.    I cannot remember, in this moment, but was Halloween stuff always in the store in mid-August?  Probably was, I just don't remember and it seemed odd to me.  

Shoekitty said:  hey chicky,!    You inow, I bet it is last hears candy, lol  either that, or thye were getting it out there incase of another uptick in cases,