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No.  Never had.  It would be a total waste of paper and time because I have nothing remarkable to journal about, and I can't think of any reason at all to do it. 

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OMG! I'm still laughing about your Betty Boob and "I didn't feel anything" and now this! H.. NO! lol!

My mother was the same-she never cursed. Wow, did you mother really wash your mouth out with soap like The Christmas Story?!

My grandmother said she would just say "Words!" and said that included all of them.

Somehow, those of us with any cursing knowledge, know that just doesn't work... at all.

When I was 6 I suddenly ran around the house and as loud as I could kept yelling the B word!! I don't know where I heard it-probably from the girls near us who always said we were going to H...Woman LOL

My mother was mad and she and my sister were both kind of shocked-out of the mouths of babes for sure.

My sister said when I was 5 I was a little angel but when I turned six I was a devil! Again, that word must of come from the girls across the way! We can always blame them!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

Do you keep a journal/diary?




I do.






I don't write in it every day, but it's where I put all of my deep, dark thoughts that I don't share with anyone else.



I've journaled ever since I was in junior high.



Boy, will people have some interesting reading after I'm dead! *lol*





So, do you write in a journal or diary?

years and years ago 

I did,   I found them recently and couldn't shred them quick enough  

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Re: Do You Journal?

[ Edited ]

@on the bay YES my mother washed my mouth out with soap, and we had to use the same bar to wash our hands, sometimes it would take weeks to get my teeth imprints out of the bar of soap, I was a challenging child to say the least!

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We would easily have been fast friends!Woman LOL

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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No but I plan to write down all the books I read and movies I watch this year.

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And may I add that sometime when I am on a roll I surprise even myself at some of the words that come out of my mouth, I am good at cussing, My husband always says, "My wife is no lady when it comes to cussing", over the years I have shocked even him!

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I have tried before and failed but a friend gave me a beautiful journal so I started it about 4 days ago. I decided to make it a gratitude journal to put more positivity in my life in these trying times. I also write a few sentences about what happened during the day if warrented.

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Yes but not really.


I have several of those little spiral notebooks and I write sometimes,,not every day, mostly because I have such a horrible memory.


On several pages you may find some profound thoughts I have about life or whatever, next page may have a recipe, or quotes from a movie I'm watching.


Just all kinds of random things.

I enjoy it.   I much prefer to read my journals than just about anything.

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I did journal for a few months when I was going through treatment for breast cancer 11 years ago. About 5 years ago I decided that that part of my life was over ( hopefully) and I threw out the journal, all the cards I had received, and many of the "pink" items I had. It felt good to toss it all and was a kind of moving on for me.


My mother-in-law passed away 2 months ago and I found and read her journal. Most of it was about how much she loved all of us and loved doing things with family, but there were some parts that were hard to read--when she wrote that there were times she wished her kids visited more, when she wrote about a misunderstanding she and I had, and when she wished her 3 sons got along better. I sort of wish I would not have read it. I truly don't think anyone else in the family will even read it. I might keep lists of things but I doubt if I will ever journal again.