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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

@Jamstan wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Jamstan wrote:

I have very bad anxiety and depression that is worsening by the day and this time of year is making me feel even worse. I live in a miserable place with horrendous winters...very cold and lots, and I mean lots, of snow and getting dark at 4:30PM..ugh. I don't have the parties to attend, the friends to visit or the traditions to partake in nor a significant other to share good times with.  This year was a "milestone birthday" that ends in "0" for me and it has made me even more sad thinking about what could have been if I did things differently...currently obsessing over 2 poor decisions I made in the past that were both so very wrong choices for me despite me thinking the opposite at the time.

@Jamstan, have spoken with your physician about your increasing anxiety and depression?

@suzyQ3 Hi, yes currently in therapy for it. I have only taken baby steps but being able to vent and say things I have wanted to say for so long is well worth the $$$. Meds have been recommended for me but I am reluctant to go down that road for many reasons but I have not taken the option off the table completely.

Good to hear, @Jamstan. Just my opinion, but from reading your post, you might find that adding an appropriate med along with therapy might give you even more relief. Good luck!

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Jamstan wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Jamstan wrote:

I have very bad anxiety and depression that is worsening by the day and this time of year is making me feel even worse. I live in a miserable place with horrendous winters...very cold and lots, and I mean lots, of snow and getting dark at 4:30PM..ugh. I don't have the parties to attend, the friends to visit or the traditions to partake in nor a significant other to share good times with.  This year was a "milestone birthday" that ends in "0" for me and it has made me even more sad thinking about what could have been if I did things differently...currently obsessing over 2 poor decisions I made in the past that were both so very wrong choices for me despite me thinking the opposite at the time.

@Jamstan, have spoken with your physician about your increasing anxiety and depression?

@suzyQ3 Hi, yes currently in therapy for it. I have only taken baby steps but being able to vent and say things I have wanted to say for so long is well worth the $$$. Meds have been recommended for me but I am reluctant to go down that road for many reasons but I have not taken the option off the table completely.

Good to hear, @Jamstan. Just my opinion, but from reading your post, you might find that adding an appropriate med along with therapy might give you even more relief. Good luck!

@suzyQ3  Thanks! Been a rough few days and I think I might be getting closer to trying meds. Hoping to discuss at my next appointment.

I am not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.
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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

I get rushed and frustrated and tired. Not sadder. 

Keepin' it real.
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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

Sader for sure.

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

[ Edited ]

I had a heart attack a few days before Christmas a number of years ago. I almost died because the paramedics would not take me immediately to the hospital. I won’t bore you with the saga but the result is that I am happy to be here to commemorate the holiday whether it’s been a good year or bad. I  know I’m lucky to have the opportunity. 


To those who feel alone, empty, overwhelmed with sadness, or in grief, I extend a hand of fellowship. You are in my thoughts.

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

@gidgetgh So many hugs coming your way .Heart

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

I have gotten really good at blocking it all out this time of the year.  

I don't work anymore so don't have to listen to people talking about it all the time.  I live in a senior community so most of them feel about the same way.  I worked in retail after I retired and purely hated this time of years.  Had to put on a cheerful face and pretend I cared who they had to buy for.  I get the part of gifts for the children but adults running around buying for other adults and other adults buying for them just seems unnecessary.   Each adult should just buy themselves some presents and be done. 

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

the holidays are bitter sweet with the loss of my Mom and other family friends over the past couple of years. 

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

So the holidays are over and I'm still feeling blue. 2019 wasn't a very good year, I wasn't sorry to see it go. People say they hope the new year will be good to you, it seems like every one has hopes and is then disappointed.

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Re: Do You Get Sad This Time Of Year

I have stayed home New Years Eve for the past few  years.   Two of my best friends and I used to be together a lot - would have dinners, see movies and on NYE we would drive an hour to a casino, each get a room in one of the hotels surrounding the casino, eat a nice dinner together, gamble and if we got tired the casino had a free shuttle that would take you between all the hotels and casino.  


We'd stay till midnight, take shuttle back to our hotel and sit in the lobby and talk for a few hours.  Next morning get up and have b/fast and head back home.  In 2017, both friends died within 9 months of each other and then in 2018 my BF died.   One of those friends and my BF died in December.  It's this time of the year that it really hits home that I'm the last one standing.