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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/8/2014 Allegheny said:

No not premonitions, but I experience deja vu frequently. Its eerie. Places I never been to are too familiar like I have been there before. Sometimes it also happens with conversations. Feels like I am reliving it and know whats coming next.

That happens to me. It's almost like seeing a rerun of a tv show.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Absolutely, and some of them are so bad I don't want to hear them in my mind, I am so afraid it will happen.but I almost always feel it when DD is calling me, lots of times we are dialing at the same time.


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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/8/2014 Allegheny said:

No not premonitions, but I experience deja vu frequently. Its eerie. Places I never been to are too familiar like I have been there before. Sometimes it also happens with conversations. Feels like I am reliving it and know whats coming next.

There's a scientific, biological explanation for deja vu that might alleviate the creepiness for you. You can Google it, if you're interested.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Once in a while, yes. Most times it is more like intuition and rather vague.

Once, it was more vivid and pronounced. It was in the 80's when (was it Challenger) blew up. I was getting dressed for work, TV was on and they were covering the preparation for the launch. I said to myself and out loud that it was not going to make it and it would explode. I saw it briefly in my mind, forgot about it and moved on.

Later, at work, the information came over the radio, and I was stunned, not at the event itself, but at how I had "seen" it before it happened. I didn't like that feeling.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I have them usually about my car breaking down or flat tires or household appliances breaking, etc. I'll have a thought pass through my mind that I haven't had flat in years and within a couple of weeks it happens. I also had premonitions of pets illnesses or death which I tried to forget about at the time I had them. I was sitting with my 14 year old dog (who was in relatively good health and just had a complete checkup and blood work) and a thought came out of nowhere that I hoped I could be with him when it was his time to go and 2 weeks later he developed congestive heart failure.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/8/2014 Allegheny said:

No not premonitions, but I experience deja vu frequently. Its eerie. Places I never been to are too familiar like I have been there before. Sometimes it also happens with conversations. Feels like I am reliving it and know whats coming next.

Yes, that happens to me a lot. It's a very strange feeling.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I also have deja vu often. It always startles me . No premonitions though.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I've never had anything out of the ordinary like that but my son did. He had three dreams all within the same week. The last one had his younger brother who passed away a few years earlier, talking to him from down a hallway but he couldn't hear him! Kept telling him, "I cant hear you! speak louder!!" He told other family members how nervous he was. He passed away from a heart attack in his sleep. My family took comfort in knowing our youngest was with him! This happened three months ago.
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I used to get "advance" notice of things that were to come. I didn't like it at all. After the last time, I prayed it would stop happening, and so far, it has.
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/9/2014 Peaches4you said: I've never had anything out of the ordinary like that but my son did. He had three dreams all within the same week. The last one had his younger brother who passed away a few years earlier, talking to him from down a hallway but he couldn't hear him! Kept telling him, "I cant hear you! speak louder!!" He told other family members how nervous he was. He passed away from a heart attack in his sleep. My family took comfort in knowing our youngest was with him! This happened three months ago.

Peaches, your post touched me. It is dreams like your son had that make me wonder about the energy that must continue somehow beyond passing. If I understand your post correctly you have lost two sons and one so recently. I am so very sorry. The warmth of the comfort from knowing about the dream must be a constant comfort even in such profound loss.