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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Two days before I found out my father died, I had a dream that he died and I woke up crying. My mother and father were living in California temporarily for his job when he died and I was in NY. As soon as my mother walked into my work I immediately broke down crying because I knew why she was there. She didn't want to tell me over the phone so she flew back to NY and was trying to pick me up from work but when I saw her, I knew immediately. That was a horrible day and I will never forget what I was wearing, what the room smelled like, the temperature outside and even the clouds in the sky. That day is permanently imprinted on my brain.

I have had a few experiences where I felt people should not drive that day. Each time the person I didn't want the person to drive they were involved in a car accident that same day.

I do think that is probably more of a coincidence.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Yes. Usually in a deja vu type form or in dreams.

Also, a few years ago I took a creative short-story writing class just for fun. My final was a story about a woman who was saying her goodbyes to her mother who was dying of cancer, and coming to grips with her faith and relationship with her parents.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer the next year and passed 6 months later. I forgot about the story until I ran across it in an old file on my computer. It sent chills down my spine and I hated it.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/9/2014 Peaches4you said: I've never had anything out of the ordinary like that but my son did. He had three dreams all within the same week. The last one had his younger brother who passed away a few years earlier, talking to him from down a hallway but he couldn't hear him! Kept telling him, "I cant hear you! speak louder!!" He told other family members how nervous he was. He passed away from a heart attack in his sleep. My family took comfort in knowing our youngest was with him! This happened three months ago.

I am so sorry to hear your sad for you. I do think that people know when their time is coming.

My aunt missed my uncle terribly. They had a wonderful marriage and he died at 68. She used to say that she never dreamed at all. She longed for a dream where she would hear my uncle's voice again.

One Saturday we went to the local farmer's market and when I dropped her off, she handed me my grandmother's wedding gold chain. She FORCED me to take it...literally wouldn't stop until I had it. She had written a note with the story of the gold chain from Italy inside the jewelry box. That was the last time I saw her. She passed away in her sleep the next Friday night - I found her when I went to visit on Saturday morning. I really believe that my uncle was visiting her in her dreams prior to her unexpected death.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/9/2014 mominohio said:

Once in a while, yes. Most times it is more like intuition and rather vague.

Once, it was more vivid and pronounced. It was in the 80's when (was it Challenger) blew up. I was getting dressed for work, TV was on and they were covering the preparation for the launch. I said to myself and out loud that it was not going to make it and it would explode. I saw it briefly in my mind, forgot about it and moved on.

Later, at work, the information came over the radio, and I was stunned, not at the event itself, but at how I had "seen" it before it happened. I didn't like that feeling.

That happened to me too!

I saw them walking towards the spaceship and had a very bad feeling that morning. I actually went home (I had an outside sales job) and watched the launch - I rarely went home during the day for any reason, but just felt compelled to watch. I wasn't surprised at all when it exploded.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions


"People with closed hearts will always feel as though they are at war with the world." ~My friend Nancy
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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Both premonitions and deja vu. I rarely tell anyone about it unless the event occurs or it might affect someone who could make some changes so that the event may not happen. Have seen apparitions. It seems crazy to people who have never had these things happen to them but they do happen.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Do You Ever Have Premonitions

I can't imagine anyone that has lived on earth for awhile not having them. My reply would be, yes I have.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

Everytime I come to Viewpoints.

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Re: Do You Ever Have Premonitions

On 5/9/2014 Free2be said:
On 5/9/2014 Peaches4you said: I've never had anything out of the ordinary like that but my son did. He had three dreams all within the same week. The last one had his younger brother who passed away a few years earlier, talking to him from down a hallway but he couldn't hear him! Kept telling him, "I cant hear you! speak louder!!" He told other family members how nervous he was. He passed away from a heart attack in his sleep. My family took comfort in knowing our youngest was with him! This happened three months ago.

Peaches, your post touched me. It is dreams like your son had that make me wonder about the energy that must continue somehow beyond passing. If I understand your post correctly you have lost two sons and one so recently. I am so very sorry. The warmth of the comfort from knowing about the dream must be a constant comfort even in such profound loss.

Thank you for your kindness!