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Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

I've found this most of my life.

I don't want to be living under a rock so I do try to keep up both with national and local news.

But every time, some of the stories that are portrayed, brave people living with unspeakable tragedy and sorrow. I just feel like I can feel that parents or kids or animal's experience. 

A wise woman told me once, if I crumbled into a mess every time how could I help anyone. I try to remember that.

I have to try to remember that there are very bad things and people, cruelty, and there always will be.

and there are incredibly good people who are so brave even after horrific trauma. 

Humans can be pretty amazing and I hope there is a heaven!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

@on the bay wrote:

I've found this most of my life.

I don't want to be living under a rock so I do try to keep up both with national and local news.

But every time, some of the stories that are portrayed, brave people living with unspeakable tragedy and sorrow. I just feel like I can feel that parents or kids or animal's experience. 

A wise woman told me once, if I crumbled into a mess every time how could I help anyone. I try to remember that.

I have to try to remember that there are very bad things and people, cruelty, and there always will be.

and there are incredibly good people who are so brave even after horrific trauma. 

Humans can be pretty amazing and I hope there is a heaven!

That sentence has me thinking you might be an empath. You may want to google it and read ideas of how to manage it. 

And yes, there is a heaven!

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!


thank you I have heard about it and went to read about it on healthline.

Another woman once told me I feel so much for other people's pain that it hurts to take that on and not good.

But not something I can get rid of.

I sometimes wish I didn't feel so much.But I know I can give with this to understand and give comfort esp to people I love.

Nature, animals, yes.Heart

I know there are others who experience this. It can be a good thing and a hard thing. I could identify with everything it said.

Anyway, thank you for this.

I know everyone has their lives and feelings they have to deal with from not feeling much of anything as a defense against hurt to feeling eveything under the sun! 


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

@on the bay  I can empathize with you. I have been much the same way since childhood and, through the years, learned techniques to manage it and not take on the responsibility for the world’s problems. However, I never want to become callous or untouched by the suffering of my fellow man.


Just this morning I read about a Maricopa County Arizona man who was arrested for harassing people lined up at a school food pantry. He told one little boy his parents should just get a job and were pathetic for not being able to care for him. Turns out he works for a company that took almost $100,000 in covid relief taxpayer funds to help them through the pandemic but he belittles  those same taxpayers for taking day old bread and canned goods when many have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. This makes my blood boil and I don’t ever want to be immune to that level of cruelty.

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

Yes, especially any story involving abuse to children, the elderly and animals. 

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

[ Edited ]

Unfortunately, I'm not much of a cryer, just get deeply depressed.


I take that back - the news stories that budge some tears are the GOOD news stories - few and far between these days, but when I hear of kids and neighbors helping elderly folks through this covid crisis, just get tears of joy.

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

Yes, news stories do affect me. There is a story about the jam company Bonne Mamam that has gone viral. During the war a small town in Paris hid and saved Jewish families to their own peril. If you helped a Jew, freemason, communist, socialist, or pervert you would be shot on sight. In reading this to my sister I got very emotional, she bought the jam the next day. If you haven't read the story you should, I didn't do it justice.

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

@twinsister wrote:

Yes, especially any story involving abuse to children, the elderly and animals. 

Me too.

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Re: Do News Stories bring you to tears?!

Yes, animals, being abused, children, the old ,sick,and lonely. And just plain hate.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.