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We're roughly 90 miles north of WDW.  I check things daily, and late this morning it was 91 deg. with a heat index of 103.


Yup, wanna take MY toddlers there with masks,


You could offer me all the admissions for the day to go there and I'd decline.

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Re: Disney, what the??

[ Edited ]

@1Snickers wrote:

@willdob3  I know not to believe what the news channels say but a doctor said New York is doing so well he expects herd immunity there, and that may be the only way to stop the Virus. But Fauci earlier said it would have to be many more people to have it than we have now. 


@1Snickers   I don’t see any chance of herd immunity happening anywhere for many reasons.


The virus doesn’t stay the same. Antibodies don’t seem to last long and don’t appear to be helpful. Two week or two month immunity? Not going to get anyone to herd immunity. A vaccine? Never going to happen with a vaccine for multiple reasons.

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I don't get it. I am worried to death about my nieces and nephews going to school next month. I can't imagine going into a place like Disney, and espicially taking my children. 


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@CJC wrote:
I live near Disney, so our local news is full of the opening news. Today I watched in amazement as visitors in wheelchairs and parents with strollers entered park as if they had not a care in the world. People screaming in the rides, throwing those cute little droplets everywhere. Have Americans lost their minds? Are they blind to what is happening down here in FL? Is it vacation at any cost, at any risk?

I have to agree with you.  It does not make any sense.  There are some governors who are pausing and some who are closing places that have opened.  Why would anyone go to Disney.  Like a poster said weeks ago, just because places are open does not mean you have to go.

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@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@VaBelle35 wrote:

If you read the medical journals about what they are finding in autopsies of Covid-19 patients, you will never want to leave your house again.

@VaBelle35, I don't think that most of us really know the horrendous damage this virus can do to the body. At first, it was thought that it mostly affected the lungs, which was dangerous enough.


But medical examiner in a county in Texas said that they are seeing bodies riddled with blood clots.


And many survivers are suffering with a variety of problems weeks and months later. Who knows whether they will be permanent?



And then there is the neurological damage that is being seen.


So, you "recover", but you really don't.



One of my good friends knows a 40 something  OB/GYN doctor who was in the hospital and recovered. He is still in bad shape and will never practice again.

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The behavior of much of the public makes me think that the doctor was right who said he thought as many of 60 or 70% of the population might have to become infected before people really start to follow recommendations.


I feel for the care workers in all the jammed ICU's all across the country.  And for all the rest of us who need that medical personnel to be available for us who need our doctors and nurses and others to be available for our more usual problems.

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Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Disney, what the??

[ Edited ]

@willdob3 wrote:

@1Snickers wrote:

@willdob3  I know not to believe what the news channels say but a doctor said New York is doing so well he expects herd immunity there, and that may be the only way to stop the Virus. But Fauci earlier said it would have to be many more people to have it than we have now. 


@1Snickers   I don’t see any chance of herd immunity happening anywhere for many reasons.


The virus doesn’t stay the same. Antibodies don’t seem to last long and don’t appear to be helpful. Two week or two month immunity? Not going to get anyone to herd immunity. A vaccine? Never going to happen with a vaccine for multiple reasons.

@1Snickers You are totally correct. Yesterday, Tom Hanks remarked that his antibodies were declining already."We've been paying attention to the results of some blood studies and plasma studies," . "We have found out that we have fewer antibodies now than we did at the get-go ... What we've been told is that as the antibodies begin to fade, it's possible that we will once again be susceptible to catching some form of the coronavirus again."


Dr. Peter J. Hotez, Professor of medicine and renowned developer and researcher of vaccines discussed the problems of declining antibodies in COVID-19 and how this affects vaccine development and herd immunity. There probably won't be natural herd immunity if the antibodies are not sustained. It will be a challenge to keep up immunity with vaccines. 



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@KarenQVC wrote:

@1Snickers I heard that said about a small poor pocket of the Bronx only.


The point of what I read is that the richer people would be more susceptible during the next wave.

@KarenQVC, do you recall why the rich might be more susceptible soon?