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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

@Moonchilde wrote:

I wouldn't dream of comparing my "eating speed" with every other person at the table, every time I dined out, so as not to risk being thought rude. 


If someone I was dining with felt moved to tell me they thought I was rude, or declined further get-togethers for such a superficial reason, I would consider myself much better off.  If my dining companion doesn't value me for anything more than how well I pace myself compared to them, I certainly haven't lost anything.

Completely agree.

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me


@HappyDaze wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

I wouldn't dream of comparing my "eating speed" with every other person at the table, every time I dined out, so as not to risk being thought rude. 


If someone I was dining with felt moved to tell me they thought I was rude, or declined further get-togethers for such a superficial reason, I would consider myself much better off.  If my dining companion doesn't value me for anything more than how well I pace myself compared to them, I certainly haven't lost anything.

Completely agree.


I was just stating an observation.   I intend to still be friends with her.. for Pete Sake.  


I'm glad we got together and could chat it up after I was finished.   Quit reading into something I did not say.   


People all over this forum have observations and like feedback.   I thought the forums were to share ideas.  


Now I'm afraid to submit a recipe in fear I might add too much salt or sugar to mine!

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

[ Edited ]

@Black Cat Back I personally wasn't referring to you because I don't recall you ever saying you won't eat with her again or that you thought she was rude. I only recall you saying you felt akward eating while she was finished, which is a bit different. I was referring to those that said those things.

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

I tend to eat faster than most people so 75% of the time, I'm sitting there while they finish.  I don't mind, and I don't think they do either, but I've had friends who take a full hour to eat a small sandwich and a cup of soup and I find that annoying!!!!!!  I'm sitting there thinking of all the things I could be doing while they nibble away at their lunch. 

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

I would consider myself a fast eater and am very aware of it. When I go out with people to dine though I slow down, simply because I want to enjoy the experience of the company and don't want them to think I have no manners.Some people are just slow eaters, my husband, son and sister are always the last ones to leave the table and also eat the most food.LOL

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

@Black Cat Back


Clearly you are a very slow eater, but I don't think you should expect someone else to adjust their pace because you don't like it.    


I can't help but wonder if that woman left and thought to herself boy, what a slow eater you are!  


Many years ago, I took a class in sales and one of the lessons was about taking someone out on a business lunch.  They said when you look at the menu, always think about the number of "bites" you'd be taking to finish the meal, because the more chewing you do, they less time you have for talking. The point was that the last thing you should order would be a chopped salad, and the best would be something like fillet of sole!  

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

@shoptilyadropagain wrote:

I tend to eat faster than most people so 75% of the time, I'm sitting there while they finish.  I don't mind, and I don't think they do either, but I've had friends who take a full hour to eat a small sandwich and a cup of soup and I find that annoying!!!!!!  I'm sitting there thinking of all the things I could be doing while they nibble away at their lunch. 

I can definitely understand this...... way too slow can be as annoying as lightening fast....  

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

@Hot Street wrote:


@HappyDaze wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

I wouldn't dream of comparing my "eating speed" with every other person at the table, every time I dined out, so as not to risk being thought rude. 


If someone I was dining with felt moved to tell me they thought I was rude, or declined further get-togethers for such a superficial reason, I would consider myself much better off.  If my dining companion doesn't value me for anything more than how well I pace myself compared to them, I certainly haven't lost anything.

Completely agree.


I was just stating an observation.   I intend to still be friends with her.. for Pete Sake.  


I'm glad we got together and could chat it up after I was finished.   Quit reading into something I did not say.   


People all over this forum have observations and like feedback.   I thought the forums were to share ideas.  


Now I'm afraid to submit a recipe in fear I might add too much salt or sugar to mine!



My post was not in response to your OP, but to another post made by another poster.

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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

[ Edited ]

I don't really care about what anyone with me does while eating.  I am not a super fast eater, and just accept it.


What bugs me is the wait staff bringing things before you've finished the LAST course.  You are still eating your soup, and they dump the salad on you, you haven't finished EITHER, and the entree is there.  They then move to take it away, and you say NO!


When I go to a pricier restaurant, I expect to be given enough time to enjoy each course.


That would be my major issue!



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Re: Dining Out with Someone - This Bugs Me

@HappyDaze wrote:

@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

What bugs me is when my dining companions eye my plate, like they would like to have a "taste" of my food.  Then, when I don't say anything, the fork comes over and they spear something!  Seriously, this has happened to me.


For some reason, I have never liked sharing from my plate.  I order mine, you order yours.  I don't ask to taste yours, either.


The other thing that bugs me is this:
We know a couple that we dine out with once in awhile.  They each always order something different, finish half, then switch plates.


It's a little odd, sometimes gross.  Fine if they do it in their home, but in front of others, I think it's a bit crass.


Anyway, that's it from me on this one! Smiley Very Happy

And, with my own fork,  I would spear the hand that is spearing the food on my plate. That would probably be the last time they'd ever try that with me.

I was going to post the exact same thing .... and I would do it!