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Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

I got up today to 2 different times. LOL. So in case others need a reminder, here it is.

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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

[ Edited ]

I went to bed late, didn't think about changing the clock on my nightstand.  Woke up about a half an hour ago and looked at the clock so I "knew" what time it was.  Then I came downstairs and got on the computer and saw it's an hour earlier.  LOL

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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

Yep, changed all my clocks yesterday.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

all the clocks are automatic, other than the microwave so


I didn't 

I rely on the cablebox and my phone



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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

Just started working on changing them.  I HATE the fall time change.  I've been wide awake since 4:30.  My husband is wide awake.  It's gonna be a long day.  I'm one of those where the extra hour of sleep is lost on me.  I just don't sleep well and giving me an extra hour's sleep is a wasted gift.


Counting the days Dec. 22nd, when the days will start getting longer again.  I hate it getting dark so early.  I feel like I go into hibernation mode as soon as it's dark outside.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

Our little dog, Putter, didn't get the memo to fall back an hour, so he woke us up at 4:30! LOL

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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

I hate the time change.I too am a terrible sleeper and this just messes me up.I was awake at 4 so it was dark in the entire neighborhood except my house.

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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

I got up early this morning, too.  I don't understand why we even do this.  I hate it getting dark at 5:30.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

@dex wrote:

I hate the time change.I too am a terrible sleeper and this just messes me up.I was awake at 4 so it was dark in the entire neighborhood except my house.


It's 8:21.  I've already colored my hair, eaten breakfast (with the hair dye on- it was a lovely sight), taken a shower, gotten dressed and put on my makeup.  My husband has already taken his shower.  I just started a load of laundry and my husband is cutting/cooking the squash so I can make squash casserole for lunch....... which will be 3 and a half hours from now.


Again, I've done all this and it's 8:21.  Oh.... and I've been on these boards all morning as well as Facebook.


I'll be ready for bed at 2 this afternoon at this rate.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Did you put your clocks back an hour if your state does this?

@staciesmom wrote:

Our little dog, Putter, didn't get the memo to fall back an hour, so he woke us up at 4:30! LOL

LOL, yes our cats didn't get the memo either but they still let us sleep in. 

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