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Registered: ‎05-31-2022

Re: Did you have or Do you have now adult children living at home and Why?

So fortunate you have each other and have an arrangement that works for both of you. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,040
Registered: ‎05-31-2022

Re: Did you have or Do you have now adult children living at home and Why?

[ Edited ]

Our youngest DD lived at home for a little less than a year after she finished law school...she was really not sure if she would have to relocate, so we were happy to have her at home with us while she found a job.. She was more than ready to move and be on her own.

I totally agree that every adult child is different, so some are ready to be on their own and others still need time to ease into independence. I think it also depends upon the parents. If they are controlling or demanding, the child just keep going and dive into their

Our neighbor's youngest son moved back in with them after his third year of college. She said he was so smart that college bored him. He has now been living at home for two years with no job, no plans to finish his degree, and is not asked to do anything to help around the house, including mowing the lawn. He will be 24 In August. From what his mom tells me, he has grown fond of video games so may be creating some and getting rich doing that...and also is interested in virtual currency. DH asked his dad if he pays rent and he said of course not, he has no job so how could he pay rent? SMH. I have to wonder how long they will be happy with this arrangement before they kick him to the curb. They have a son and a daughter who are older, married, and have kids....they went right from college to jobs and stability. Maybe this son is till considered the baby and they can't give him up. They aren't doing him any favors.