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Re: Funny post by my daughter on her Facebook this morning

@I am still oxox wrote:

I hit the Pintrest tab and the name of the owner came up, I did the same with mine and only and id number came up

@Marp2 wrote:

Thank was a lovely thought and a beautiful photo but do you realize that there is a name attached to the photo that can be readily seen by anyone that looks?


Pinterest tab?  I don't see a Pintrest tab on my photos, yours, or Lilac Trees. Color me confused. 

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Re: Funny post by my daughter on her Facebook this morning

for what it is worth......there was clearly a name associated with that photo. if you dont care AND if your daughter doesnt care then there is no problem with posting the photo if you want.

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@Blueberry Hill wrote:

Why in the world would you post this picture of your daughter and grandkids on a public forum?! Removing it now does no good because the damage is already done for anyone who wanted the information has already gotten it.



it wasnt a photo of her daughter and grandkids. it was a photo of ford when she was younger, along with two of her daughters.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@Blueberry Hill wrote:

Why in the world would you post this picture of your daughter and grandkids on a public forum?! Removing it now does no good because the damage is already done for anyone who wanted the information has already gotten it.


Why in the world would you assume that's a picture of her daughter and grandkids? WRONG.

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@melfie wrote:

Now that the photo has been removed can someone explain how we can see information on photos? TIA. 


And someone mentioned a Pinterest Tab which I certainly don't see on mine or anyone else's pics. And not on Lilac's either.  

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@sunshine45 wrote:

@Blueberry Hill wrote:

Why in the world would you post this picture of your daughter and grandkids on a public forum?! Removing it now does no good because the damage is already done for anyone who wanted the information has already gotten it.



it wasnt a photo of her daughter and grandkids. it was a photo of ford when she was younger, along with two of her daughters.

My mistake but does it really matter? The damage is already done no matter who it was.

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That was not my daughter and grandkids.  That was me in 1965 with my first two children.  None of us look like that anymore.


The post was meant to be entertaining, not insulting or offensive.


That's all I have to say about it.


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@MrsSweetieBear wrote:

@melfie wrote:

Now that the photo has been removed can someone explain how we can see information on photos? TIA. 


And someone mentioned a Pinterest Tab which I certainly don't see on mine or anyone else's pics. And not on Lilac's either.  

I don't see one either. 

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What person said it was offensive or insulting? Several folks saw your daughters name. I am not one of them but I hope that you are going to make your daughter aware she can look out for anything irregular going on. I just don't understand how one can be so resistant to folks that were genuinely just trying to help. I would be grateful for the help.

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