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Posts: 5,235
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Daily Positive Thread for Wednesday

Hello my friends! Today's big blessing to me was a surprise call from Lori in Guatemala. She and I happened to be at the phone at the same time, and she started Facebook chat, and I asked if she was still there, she said she was, and then she called and it was a free call! Wonderful and on her birthday too. Her friend, Terri's brother got a thorn in his finger from a lemon tree and it swelled up so bad they had to fly him to Houston, TX for blood work. He'll be coming back shortly, so today they didn't have work because he was gone. She comes back real late Friday night - after midnight, so she'll see us on Saturday and get her dog and cat. Looking forward to seeing her and talking about all her experiences there. She said she met a man from near here there! Interesting. Thanks for praying for ShowMe - and don't forget to say a prayer for all on the prayer request thread. Praying for you all!!!

No matter what you must confront today, know that God is with you.
Lord, today is part of Your plan for me. I do not doubt You and therefore
I will not doubt You within me.

"Jesus said to them, 'Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and
rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even
to eat." ~Mark 6:31


It's good if I am more afraid of spirit-unrest, of soul-disturbance, of any
ruffling of the mind, than of earthquake or fire. When I feel the calm of
my spirit has been broken by emotional upset, then I can steal away alone
with God, until my heart sings and all is strong and calm again. Uncalm
times are the only times when evil finds easy entrance.
I can beware of unguarded spots of unrest. I can try to keep calm, no
matter what turmoil surrounds me.


I pray that no emotional upsets will hinder God's power in my life. I pray
that I may keep a calm spirit and a steady heart.
FAST FROM..................FOCUS ON

criticism........................praise & encouragement

self and your blessings

resentment....................peace & a pleasant disposition & contentment

pride.............................humility to others in God

idle gossip.....................purposeful silence





self-concern..................compassion for other

Lent is a time to reflect upon our lives; to see what in our lives may prove to be obstacles to our salvation, and learn how to overcome them; and to do penance for the times when we transgress the Commandments of God. It is also a time of great hope; for it is when we are truly sorry for our sins, and wish sincerely to make amends for them, and avoid them in the future, that we begin to understand the depths of God's Mercy
Lord, God,
Trinity of Love,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I praise You,
I worship You,
I adore You,
I love You.
Father, Creator,
I thank You for the gift of life.
May I do Your will this day.
Jesus, Son, Savior,
by Your death on the Cross,
You showed me the Father's love.
May I be willing to die to myself
in order to live for You.
May I share Your "Good News" this day
with all those around me.
May Your love be reflected
in every kind word, thought, and deed.
And if I fail, be there to raise me up.
Spirit, Sanctifier,
shower Your life
upon all the peoples of the world.
Grant us the gifts of peace and love.
(by Father Paul M. Keeling, CRSP)

The Break with the Past

You have surely heard the nice saying that's been around for a few years: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." But now I'd like to coin a companion saying: "Today is the last day of your past."

Those two messages don't mean the same thing. The first advises us to get our life going the way we want it to go. The second means: get rid of old failures, taboos, inhibitions that have kept us from being what we can be.

As we grow, we pick up warnings like: "That's a no-no." "Don't you dare do that!" "Know your place." We learn what people around us consider to be "customary" or "proper" or "a shame." We also hear why something is "impossible" to do. If we are brainwashed by all this and go out as an adult into a very competitive world, we are short of our initiatives. We are handcuffed by these warnings which we have dragged up from history.

What we need are the unlimited vision and the natural imagination which we had as children. Let today be the last day of your past...

February 24

Be still in the Light of My Presence, while I communicate Love to you. There is no force in the universe as powerful as My Love. You are constantly aware of limitations: your own and others’. But there is no limit to My Love; it fills all of space, time, and eternity.

Now you see through a glass, darkly, but someday you will see Me face to Face. Then you will be able to experience fully how wide and long and high and deep is My Love for you. If you were to experience that now, you would be overwhelmed to the point of feeling crushed. But you have an eternity ahead of you, absolutely guaranteed, during which you can enjoy My Presence in unrestricted ecstasy. For now, the knowledge of My loving Presence is sufficient to carry you through each day.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
—1 Corinthians 13:12 kjv

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
—Ephesians 3:16–19 – From Jesus Calling

Meditations by Padre Pio

He who does not meditate is like a person who never looks in the mirror and therefore does not bother to be tidy when he goes out, since he can be dirty without knowing it.

The person who meditates and thinks of God, who is the mirror of his soul, tries to discover his defects, attempts to correct them, controls himself and straightens out his conscience.

Mother Teresa Said...

Jesus came to earth to give charity its rightful place in the hearts of men. “ By this,” He said, “ men shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another “ and this commandment will last for all eternity.
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Posts: 1,947
Registered: ‎04-25-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Wednesday

Blessings to all here. May today be a good day for you.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,181
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Wednesday

Saying a prayer for Lori's friend's brother, and happy to hear you will be seeing her on Saturday.

Blessings to all. and stay safe and warm.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 760
Registered: ‎08-09-2013

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Wednesday

Good Morning Friends! It's nice and sunny again today, and I hope a warm up they had in the forecast toward the weekend, will actually happen. Not sure what I want to do today, so it's a slow start for me this morning.

Gloria, Bobbie Sue, and Harlene, Hope you all have a good day whatever you have planned. I'm glad Lori's coming home soon, Gloria. Thanks for the additional photos, very good picture of Lori. Hugs, pinky