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@qvcaddition Go to the website, it will show if they have extensions available (most do) and then just create an account.   Once you are signed in you will see your account with your car, and pretty much everything related to your license and driving stats.  If your license has been extended you are fine.  If not, you should be able to renew it from the website.    I do everything I can online to avoid going there and standing in line, from ordering my tags and license plates to renewing my license.  It will show you your "good driver points" , when you car tags expire, and it will send you an email reminding you when they are due.  It beats standing in line.  You should be able to get an extension.  You can send them an email from the website if you don't want to call and they do actually get back to you (i had to for an issue my husband had).  If you run into trouble come back here and anyone of us can look up your state's DMV site and see what you need to do.  Good luck Smiley Happy

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I went to renew my license in August. Had to make an appt and found the DMV was quite organized. Only a few people allowed inside and we were sufficiently spaced.


Those that did not have an appt, had to wait outside until there was a space for them.

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In my state drivers licences can be renewed online. Proof of good vision is required. I just uploaded a copy of my last eye exam which had to be less than two years old to make it valid.

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In Michigan, my sister had to make an appointment, then sit in her car until they called her to come in.  She said it went smooth and took less time than the old stand in line take a number.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!
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Yesterday we spent most of the morning going to 2 different DMV places. I have to get my license renewed and photo taken.


The line outside both DMV places were so long. I am not standing in line in 30 degrees and drizzling. We are going to try again today. The weather is still the same and I bet the lines are too.

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I just renewed mine (in SC) last month and it couldn't have been easier. I made an appointment for first thing in the morning, and was in and out in less than 30 minutes. Very few people allowed in at once, mask required--except for photo, of course. Now, those who did NOT make an appointment had to wait for gaps between appointments.

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All states have their own rules for this.  I would call and ask, or look on the website.

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Check the DMV website in your state. Many services can be conducted online or there are extensions. In my state of NJ, DMVs have been closed down often due to Covid; really long lines have been a problem. Many processes have been moved to online here.
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When we moved states, we had to get a new license.  Here in IL, "seniors" go to the head of the line.  We had no waiting, were in and out quickly.  

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@Linmo wrote:

@qvcaddition I'm also in CA.  Drivers over 70 can now renew their licenses online through the DMV website because of the pandemic.  

This must be old post because I got an appt. Went in the day after my BD last June 2020.  After all the months of studying, didn't have to take written test, just pushed me right through and now have it for 5 years.

What a relief.

My friend who tried to study, does not use any technology, no computer, smartphone, etc. gave up her license and car.  She is so sorry now, because she no longer has transportation and stuck.  With Covid that is all our stories, but like she said, she wished she never did that, all because she was afraid of the test.