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Somebody mentioned that they checked the IRS website to see when they would receive the 3rd stimulus check. I went to their site but could not find where to check on the payment. Does anyone know where to go on their site? Thanks. 

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@LuvmyLab wrote:

Somebody mentioned that they checked the IRS website to see when they would receive the 3rd stimulus check. I went to their site but could not find where to check on the payment. Does anyone know where to go on their site? Thanks. 


Just google check my payment and it will pop up


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@LuvmyLab wrote:

Somebody mentioned that they checked the IRS website to see when they would receive the 3rd stimulus check. I went to their site but could not find where to check on the payment. Does anyone know where to go on their site? Thanks. 



"Get My Payment"

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I can't answer your question because we got ours deposited directly into our checking account yesterday.

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@LuvmyLab Google search "irs get my payment" which will take you to the right page. On that page, there will be a blue box with "get my payment" which will allow you to access the Get My Payment tool.


It doesn't like my information (tried yesterday) and today it says I may have made too much money to qualify (not true). But this worked for the first two payments we received so maybe I'll try again next week. In the mean time, I am trying to not obsess over this.  

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@laluzdelmundo   Key word would seem to be "may"   -- Sounds like a generic answer -  not saying they know you earned over the $75,000 limit.

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We got our money direct deposited, and this time they included our college age son.  Don't know why they were excluded last time because that age definitely needs the money!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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@millieshops wrote:

@laluzdelmundo   Key word would seem to be "may"   -- Sounds like a generic answer -  not saying they know you earned over the $75,000 limit.

That's for an individual

150,000 for married , filing jointly, 2 worker family

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Posts: 42,157
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Puppy Lips wrote:

We got our money direct deposited, and this time they included our college age son.  Don't know why they were excluded last time because that age definitely needs the money!



The bill that was signed into law on March 11 earmarks $1,400 per dependent of any age, to be calculated into the checks of their parents or guardians. For the first time, 17-year-olds and adult dependents (anyone 18 or older) are also eligible for a payment as part of the new bill. This group includes around 13.5 million college students, older adults and children of all ages with certain disabilities.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein