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How could anyone go off would be impossible.....!

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It went through my mind the other day of leaving the country. But I love this country so that wouldn't work. Sometimes it just seems like too much here!!

My if you win the lottery is: make that log cabin out in the wild. Love those shows on t.v.

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On 6/24/2014 AprilFlowers said:

How could anyone go off would be impossible.....!

Actually, it isn't that hard. Ever watch any of those "Alaska" shows, or shows where people are living 100% off of the land, such as "Mountain Men"? It CAN be done. People have done it, and are doing it now.

Now, would I want to live somewhere where there was NO electricity, NO running water, NO indoor plumbing, where you had to hunt for your food, (kill it, skin it, gut it, etc)? No, but for those who can do that, good for them.

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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I'm not a living off the grid kind of girl.

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On 6/24/2014 brii said:

I'm not a living off the grid kind of girl.

Neither am I. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy camping, and all, but to make it a lifestyle? No, sorry, I just can't do that.

I think people think that the idea of living 100% off of the land is romantic, being totally self-sufficient, and everything. But once they get a taste of just how hard it is to do that, especially when winter comes, I think most of those people would go running back for the 'burbs.

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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Didn't Ted K. live in the woods?

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How will moving to a cabin in the mountains change what is happening in the world? Seems that is sort of like the theory of the Ostrich that buries it's head in the sand...just because you can't see it, the bad stuff happening in the world will continue to happen. I'm all for peace and tranquility and a cabin in the woods sounds ideal, being surrounded by nature and trying to tune out some of the unnecessary noise we are bombarded with daily. I think everyone needs to take a break and recharge, but I don't think trying to escape from life as we know it is very practical. He would still have to travel to a store for your necessities, and isolation can become very annoying after awhile...just the two of you, all day every day, and like you said, where would you get your nails done? Wink For me, cabins in the mountains are for vacations and relaxing getaways. I prefer civilization and can tune out most of the bad stuff. There is always going to be bad stuff, it's just part of life.

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On 6/24/2014 lolakimono said:

Didn't Ted K. live in the woods? {#emotions_dlg.scared}

You mean the unibomber, right?

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Registered: ‎03-29-2012
On 6/24/2014 kaybee said:
On 6/24/2014 lolakimono said:

Didn't Ted K. live in the woods? {#emotions_dlg.scared}

You mean the unibomber, right?


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I need the ""grid""! Can't imagine life without electricity. I've had to endure enough power outages to know how much electricity really means to me! But more power to those who can do it.