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On 6/25/2014 Love my grandkids said:

But as far as I know the Amish pay taxes, therefore, they are on the grid. They have businesses which require licenses and taxes to be paid. On the grid.

I don't know what kind of wacky definition of "off the grid" is being bantered about here, but it means living without electricity, or living with power that you generate yourself (solar, wind, water etc.) and has nothing to do with not paying taxes or dropping completely out of society.

People who live off the grid often are doing other things to be self sufficient, like growing their own food, raising animals for food, and learning the old ways to do things without modern technology.

Most people who live off the grid still work jobs, or run their own small businesses, go to church, vote, pay taxes, and in general participate in society. They aren't all just a bunch of loons who hide out in the mountains with guns.

Just another misconception perpetuated by the liberal media and those dumb shows on reality television.

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On 6/25/2014 tansy said:
On 6/25/2014 AprilFlowers said:
On 6/25/2014 tansy said: Somewhere the OP mentioned her husband feared the Feds, which brings to mind concerns about his mental health.

Really? He works in conjunction with them so he knows them very well. It meant the decisions that they have been making in the last decade. Time for you to read.

I do read, thanks. I am not concerned that the gub'ment is going to show up on my doorstep. I hope you like living off the grid.

Oh, they already have shown up, at your doorstep, in your phone records, in your pocketbook for more and more money, in your supermarket trying to control what you eat, in your local school district making the decisions that used to be handled locally, in business and the economy undermining the free market system and on and on. Don't pretend the government isn't already everywhere, and not for the good of things either.

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On 6/26/2014 mominohio said:
On 6/25/2014 tansy said:
On 6/25/2014 AprilFlowers said:
On 6/25/2014 tansy said: Somewhere the OP mentioned her husband feared the Feds, which brings to mind concerns about his mental health.

Really? He works in conjunction with them so he knows them very well. It meant the decisions that they have been making in the last decade. Time for you to read.

I do read, thanks. I am not concerned that the gub'ment is going to show up on my doorstep. I hope you like living off the grid.

Oh, they already have shown up, at your doorstep, in your phone records, in your pocketbook for more and more money, in your supermarket trying to control what you eat, in your local school district making the decisions that used to be handled locally, in business and the economy undermining the free market system and on and on. Don't pretend the government isn't already everywhere, and not for the good of things either.

In the supermarket? Then they are doing a VERY poor job...just look at the average American's weight and fitness level. It's more like the corporations are lobbying gvt. to make sure we don't get better labeling and our food is filled to the brim with GMO products and hidden sugar.

Free markets need to be regulated - just look to T.R. and the scandals from his day....or how unregulated markets crashed in the Great Depression and our Great Recession.

I for one don't want to go back to the days when children worked in coal mines, water and food quality wasn't inspected, no one was entitled to holidays or vacation or sick days, etc.

That's what an unregulated free market looks like.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 6/26/2014 mominohio said:
On 6/25/2014 Love my grandkids said:

But as far as I know the Amish pay taxes, therefore, they are on the grid. They have businesses which require licenses and taxes to be paid. On the grid.

I don't know what kind of wacky definition of "off the grid" is being bantered about here, but it means living without electricity, or living with power that you generate yourself (solar, wind, water etc.) and has nothing to do with not paying taxes or dropping completely out of society.

People who live off the grid often are doing other things to be self sufficient, like growing their own food, raising animals for food, and learning the old ways to do things without modern technology.

Most people who live off the grid still work jobs, or run their own small businesses, go to church, vote, pay taxes, and in general participate in society. They aren't all just a bunch of loons who hide out in the mountains with guns.

Just another misconception perpetuated by the liberal media and those dumb shows on reality television.

"Off the grid" yet still want electricity?

Solar & wind power has been nurtured to the point where it is becoming affordable for all. The man who created the electric car, Musk, is planning on making and renting solar systems for individual homes and businesses. He just bought a company that creates the batteries and systems and will be unveiling them over the next few years.

Germany (not exactly sunny like FLA!) is a leader in solar power. If they can do it, we can too!

W/O progressive leaders - we would all be stuck with no alternative renewable sources of energy. In fact companies are lobbying tooth and nail against renewables. I think they would be better served by offering these energy sources themselves!

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Registered: ‎01-24-2013

Anyone wanting to get rid of ""big government"" in their lives should try moving to El Salvador.

That's living off the grid without much government.

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Posts: 1,861
Registered: ‎09-14-2012
On 6/26/2014 mominohio said:
On 6/25/2014 tansy said:
On 6/25/2014 AprilFlowers said:
On 6/25/2014 tansy said: Somewhere the OP mentioned her husband feared the Feds, which brings to mind concerns about his mental health.

Really? He works in conjunction with them so he knows them very well. It meant the decisions that they have been making in the last decade. Time for you to read.

I do read, thanks. I am not concerned that the gub'ment is going to show up on my doorstep. I hope you like living off the grid.

Oh, they already have shown up, at your doorstep, in your phone records, in your pocketbook for more and more money, in your supermarket trying to control what you eat, in your local school district making the decisions that used to be handled locally, in business and the economy undermining the free market system and on and on. Don't pretend the government isn't already everywhere, and not for the good of things either.

I think that's what 'the traitor' was trying to convey a year ago...yet People still stick their collective heads in the sand.

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Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010
On 6/26/2014 terrier3 said:
On 6/26/2014 mominohio said:
On 6/25/2014 Love my grandkids said:

But as far as I know the Amish pay taxes, therefore, they are on the grid. They have businesses which require licenses and taxes to be paid. On the grid.

I don't know what kind of wacky definition of "off the grid" is being bantered about here, but it means living without electricity, or living with power that you generate yourself (solar, wind, water etc.) and has nothing to do with not paying taxes or dropping completely out of society.

People who live off the grid often are doing other things to be self sufficient, like growing their own food, raising animals for food, and learning the old ways to do things without modern technology.

Most people who live off the grid still work jobs, or run their own small businesses, go to church, vote, pay taxes, and in general participate in society. They aren't all just a bunch of loons who hide out in the mountains with guns.

Just another misconception perpetuated by the liberal media and those dumb shows on reality television.

"Off the grid" yet still want electricity?

Solar & wind power has been nurtured to the point where it is becoming affordable for all. The man who created the electric car, Musk, is planning on making and renting solar systems for individual homes and businesses. He just bought a company that creates the batteries and systems and will be unveiling them over the next few years.

Germany (not exactly sunny like FLA!) is a leader in solar power. If they can do it, we can too!

W/O progressive leaders - we would all be stuck with no alternative renewable sources of energy. In fact companies are lobbying tooth and nail against renewables. I think they would be better served by offering these energy sources themselves!

Yes, people off the grid still often want a source of power. Off the grid means you aren't paying for or relying on the established power grid. Don't know why some have such a hard time grasping that idea. You know, that whole freedom thing that the progressive movement has just about put completely under. Self sufficiency used to be an admirable quality, not scorned they way it is today. After all if you are self sufficient, the powers that be can't control you as easily as when you are dependent on them for your necessities.

Progressive leaders have no altruistic interest in us having access to alternative types of energy. They have an agenda to control yet more things. We have never been stuck with no alternative renewable sources of energy. In a true capitalistic environment, those things that are marketable and saleable (including energy development) will rise to the top without the government's miserable waste of public funds to support such things. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, and left unmanipulated, the market will generate the goods and services the consumer and public both want and need.

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On 6/26/2014 mominohio said:

I, for one, do not want any alternative energy bad enough to be subject to the likes of the Chinese or German governments. And those governments are not subsidizing alternative energy for the betterment of their people. They, too have, power and political agendas that have nothing to do with making energy available and affordable to the masses.

Condemning and undermining the gas, coal and oil industry that we do have, that is viable and will provide jobs as well as affordable power is not only blind, but harmful to the economy and future of the nation. A country can used both existing sources, and develop new sources (with much less governmental interference and control). These two things are not mutually exclusive, like the progressives want you to think. There is a thing in life called balance. More capitalistic society with considerably lesser but necessary regulation and the government out of things would lead to growth, development, and innovation.

Couldn't agree more with you. While it is always good to think about the future it is never wise to completely ignore the present. One only needs to look a the state of this economy to see that prices have all gone up and middle class annual incomes have gone done. Do the math and see how long this can be "the norm".

We know and have the resources to become energy independent but between regulations, which are costing tons of jobs/closing many high employee jobs/having us rely more on the mess called the middle east and spending our tax dollars on unproved sources of energy.

I have no problem with creating new sources of cleaner energy but I have a problem with those that be spending our tax money to do something no branch of government should be able to do, and that is pick those who will win our money and those not allowed to even bid on it.

Anyone that follows the coal industry and the low unemployment rate in North Dakota understands there are many jobs to be had and much energy to be produced in many of the states. Why isn't it being done? Ask those that be in dc and those that seem to be writing unending regulations prohibiting them from doing so.
