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My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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@MamaWick    You'd better dig up the lawn and plant CARROTS.  The herd has increased so much this year, you're going to need them, especially with produce price increases.  Also, you've got the King if the Hill eight point buck all ready to go for rutting season.  Next year ought to be productive too.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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What a big herd there at one time.  So cool to see the does bring their fawns to see you.  Great pics and thank you for posting.

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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Look at that little one! I wish I could just scoop him or her up and hug him (or her!)


They all look so good in this heat which is just awful isn't it all over a lot of the country! I'm so glad you give them so many nice treats to eat

and water @MamaWick.

They must be so grateful.


Hello Willow cutie pie!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Lovely MamaWick.


Word is looks like a few of the deer have told their friends who told their friends there is a warm, loving spot where all are safe and welcome.


Aside from a rather alert Willow, the first picture is my favorite today. So trusting and innocent. As always, thank you for your wonderful pictures!

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Maybe you need a backyard kiddie pool for your Wick deer resort like @KatieB's post about the fawn in the kiddie pool?😊 

Baby Deer Has The Time Of Her Life In Family's Kiddie Pool

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@MamaWick   Cuteness overload today.  Those faces 😍!   Love how they  recognize you and pose.  🥕🥕🥕🦌


Woofs and hugs to Miss Willow White.  What has caught her attention?  The deer or tv? 🥰


Woofs and love to sweet Cricket in heaven. 💕🌈


“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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@on the bay    Don't give her any ideas.  She'll have Papa Wick out shopping for pools or having a hot tub installed.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My heart sings!!!!!  Mama and Bambi in the tall wild grass, Bucks, Does and Bambi's in the grass, Mr. Buck looking so majestic and sweet precious Bambi alone surrounded by the grass, you have made my day, MamaWick  These photos would be lovely on my wall!!!!!! I am smiling and loving these special photos but then all your photos are special!!!!!  The woodland friends are increasing in population and they have found their way to your Haven.  As always kindness leads them there.


Cutie pie, Willow White checking out the area, such a prize she is!!!!  It's a great day at the Wick's for the deer and all who view these photos.

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Aww they are all so sweet. Hello Willow.