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Customer Callers

[ Edited ]

Is it me or do the customer calls always seem so awkward??? I hate when they take calls.  LOL  Especially the "I love you" , "Love you, too" exchange. It makes me cringe.  


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No, it's not just you as I too have always found the calls cringe-worthy. I often change the channel when they take the testimonial calls!

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I guess I don't watch often enough.  I remember customer calls from long ago but not recently. 

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It does not go well because first of all with Skype it's delayed and that right there makes it a horrible situation and if that's not enough, many of the vendors seem uncomfortable and unable to handle the whole situation and when put on the spot can't answer questions from the caller because they don't know their own product, that makes the entire thing bad.  Not so much listening to the caller, but the rest of it is just awful.

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Customer call in line, basically nonexistant anymore. I do remember the  on air calls were more frequent  abt 20 yrs ago . Sometimes the customers would  make suggestions abt a product  , such as offer aditional colors or make design/function suggestions .

 I  don't watch every day all day long so maybe  they took customer calls  that I was not aware of .

The last customer call that I heard  most recently was when JT was hosting and the caller  only talked abt how much she loved JT.

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D&C has taken to answering calls. I hit the mute button. Not one bit interested in that gabble.

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I too hate those calls.   It is a time filler to be sure but last night with Valerie they took several calls and quite frankly when Val is on, I want to see Val and her products and not hear from the customers explain to her  how much they have of her stuff.   I have always disliked the calls and generally just change the channel when they come on.

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Me too!  Bawahhaaa

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@rms1954 So true.  the delay, not knowing they are on the line.  then the weird three way with the host, the vendor, the caller.  If I were a host, I would never take calls.  LOL

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@Love my grandkids 

Me, too!  And Gary is one of the better phone call takers.  He seems so nice and generally has his stuff together.  He would a good guy to have as a neighbor.  He'd watch your house while you were away, get the mail.  LOL