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Curate = Qurate

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"Curate" has been overused in marketing of all kinds for at least a decade now. It used to be reserved for art collections/museums.  All it means in QVC-speak is "select" or "choose," but it sounds soooooooooo much classier to the same folks who think they're impressing others by saying, for example, "fabrication" instead of  "fabric"...

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"I Love You" has been coming on strong lately, too.



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Don't care to watch Jen C., so I am lucky I guess. Don't have to listen to her or other hosts I don't enjoy watching misuse words or watch her strange facial expressions as was stated on another posts.

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@Bhvbum wrote:
Curate:  select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).
"both exhibitions are curated by the museum's director"
Looks like QVC is using the word like its supposed to. 
I can't figure out what's the problem.


But no one said it was a problem.

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@santorini wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@BalletBabe   People often say that about Jen.  Although I've watched her carefully on many occasions, I've never noticed anything unusual.

I notice it all the time.  She twists her mouth into weird shapes.  She must think it makes her look cute.


You got it !!

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@QVCkitty1 wrote:

But are we obsessed with curating , that is the question .


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I think maybe she has too much botox in her lips and she is trying to feel her lips...LOL...not sure why she does that with her lips, it is not becoming at all....looks like a duck and she does it all the time.

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@Nancy Drew @Kachina624 @BalletBabe 


Wasn't she the one with the show that centered around HER Vision Board (to help you organize your goals and dreams and your life--)--that was a BIG FLOP 

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@Spurt wrote:


@Nancy Drew @Kachina624 @BalletBabe 


Wasn't she the one with the show that centered around HER Vision Board (to help you organize your goals and dreams and your life--)--that was a BIG FLOP 

@Spurt   I am not sure.  I don't remember that.  I also don't watch all the time, so I might have missed that.