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Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: Couple names newborn twins Covid and Corona

If you run into boy/girl twins in the next few years and their names are Angel

and Scott you know whyWoman LOL



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Registered: ‎09-06-2014

Re: Couple names newborn twins Covid and Corona

Those poor kids.  

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Posts: 3,842
Registered: ‎04-23-2010

Re: Couple names newborn twins Covid and Corona

@Catty2 wrote:

Those poor kids.  

They are not, if they stay in India nobody will know wtf

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Registered: ‎11-22-2013

Re: Couple names newborn twins Covid and Corona

@CherryHugs Tweedledee and tweedledum had twins!  This is as repulsive as it gets.....

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,168
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Couple names newborn twins Covid and Corona

if this is true, it is disgusting; why name your children so you can be reminded of the hardships you endured when they were born? Could you possibly put a bigger negative connotation on your babies than this? The good news is they can legally change hem when they are old enough or hopefully were given decent middle names they can use instead.