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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

@mima wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

It would depend on the severity of the crime.


If I overheard that someone was planning to shop lift at the mall, not much can be done until they do it, except notify the management of the store.


If someone is planning a terror attack, kidnapping, bank robbery, murder, then of course you tell what you know and let LE do with it what they will. 


And that includes telling on my spouse, child or parent. 


This is a response to the bolded (by me) sentence.  There was a tragedy that happened in our little town.  The police were notified that Roger was going to kill someone that weekend. Roger had threatened this to the person that went to the police. The police said nothing could be done since nothing had been done yet to show he was really going to do it.  Yep, you guessed it, Roger killed Mike that weekend.  There was much more to the story, but reporting that someone is "going" to do something does little good in some cases.


              Sad but you are comparing apples and oranges.  There is a world of difference between your incident and someone reporting a potential mass murder.  People make threats all the time, 99.999% of the time, they do not follow through.  Saying that Sam said he's going to kill Paul doesn't give the police much to go on since no crime has been reported.  It would be different if Paul went to the police to report the threats and any harrassment.  In situation like Orlando, the wife knew about the guns and the targets and that he'd even been to the scene to scope it out.  They police most certainly would have acted on that information.

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

@mima wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

It would depend on the severity of the crime.


If I overheard that someone was planning to shop lift at the mall, not much can be done until they do it, except notify the management of the store.


If someone is planning a terror attack, kidnapping, bank robbery, murder, then of course you tell what you know and let LE do with it what they will. 


And that includes telling on my spouse, child or parent. 


This is a response to the bolded (by me) sentence.  There was a tragedy that happened in our little town.  The police were notified that Roger was going to kill Mike that weekend. Roger had threatened this to the person that went to the police. The police said nothing could be done since nothing had been done yet to show he was really going to do it.  Yep, you guessed it, Roger killed Mike that weekend.  There was much more to the story, but reporting that someone is "going" to do something does little good in some cases.





That is just terrible. And I can see how this would happen. But I guess one does what one can. I'm not sure if I'd go to Mike and tell him directly, as I'd need to calculate the risk it would put me in by doing so, but that is always an option one could consider as well.

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

@Smoky wrote:

@Nuttmeg wrote:

@Smoky wrote:

Yes I would.  Any indication of them planning a crime, it would be no problem & the right thing to do.

If my life, were not in danger.

Prior to doing the right thing, I'd be darn sure I'd be safe. 


Unless I just missed it, there's been nothing said about HER family and did she have anywhere safe to go or people who could protect her from her husband if he chickened out at the last minute and came home!


All I've heard about so far is HIS family.


Personally, if he was also abusive to her, which it appears that he was, she was probably hoping he'd get killed!


A wife should be able to report this ... BUT ... an abused wife with no safe haven would be understandably reluctant for fear of her own safety and that of her child's safety.

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

I would and I did.  It took me a long time to figure out what was going on, but once I did I reported them.

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

[ Edited ]

Yes, i have always said ,if i knew someone ,even family were selling drugs,planning a robbery, or killing  i would turn them in,no matter what.But many people will not turn their kids in.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

I have no idea how I would would be awfully hard to turn someone in you love. Easy if you did not like them.....

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

[ Edited ]

@chrystaltree wrote:

@mima wrote:

@Mominohio wrote:

It would depend on the severity of the crime.


If I overheard that someone was planning to shop lift at the mall, not much can be done until they do it, except notify the management of the store.


If someone is planning a terror attack, kidnapping, bank robbery, murder, then of course you tell what you know and let LE do with it what they will. 


And that includes telling on my spouse, child or parent. 


This is a response to the bolded (by me) sentence.  There was a tragedy that happened in our little town.  The police were notified that Roger was going to kill someone that weekend. Roger had threatened this to the person that went to the police. The police said nothing could be done since nothing had been done yet to show he was really going to do it.  Yep, you guessed it, Roger killed Mike that weekend.  There was much more to the story, but reporting that someone is "going" to do something does little good in some cases.


              Sad but you are comparing apples and oranges.  There is a world of difference between your incident and someone reporting a potential mass murder.  People make threats all the time, 99.999% of the time, they do not follow through.  Saying that Sam said he's going to kill Paul doesn't give the police much to go on since no crime has been reported.  It would be different if Paul went to the police to report the threats and any harrassment.  In situation like Orlando, the wife knew about the guns and the targets and that he'd even been to the scene to scope it out.  They police most certainly would have acted on that information.


@chrystaltree  I realize it is not the same thing as this Orlando thing.  I was replying to Mominohio's statement which was "If someone is planning a terror attack, kidnapping, bank robbery, murder, then of course you tell what you know and let LE do with it what they will."  I had bolded her statement so everyone would know what I was referring to along with verbally saying it.


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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

The authorities are using the wife to distract the public from the inept FBI. There was no need for the wife or anyone else to report the shooter, he was already known and had been interviewed three times. From reading these posts their attempt at scape goating seems to be working.

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

I passed a church today. On the board out front of the church it said, "It's never the wrong time, to do the right thing."

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Re: Could you, would you turn a relative/friend in if they told you they were planning to commit a c

I'd turn them in in an instant.  Husband, other family, friends, etc.  If I had knowledge, I'd go to the police or FBI. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?