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@Cakers3 wrote:

@tends2dogs wrote:

@Judaline wrote:

Gosh, I haven't seen any of those commercials! Sound so cute. I like the one where the single mom works all day, probably Christmas Eve, comes home to her son, very tired. Guess what. He went out and bought a Christmas tree, decorated it, and did all the laundry and put it in a basket with a big bow around the basket. She walks in and looks at the tree first, like, 'where in the world...................?' And he's standing there just hoping she likes what he's done. Of course she mists up -she loves it and hugs ensue. So cute.


They have now decided to shorten this commercial which is a crime.

@Judaline Is this the one where he rides his bike to a pawn shop?  What is he trading in for $$?  A gun??  I have been trying to make out what he is pawning.  I like the commercial, too, but if it is a gun, it makes the ad sort of creepy.

@tends2dogs   No he is selling his game console.  It's obvious in his backpack and at the shop.  His mother also is seen taking the control from his hand as he sleeps.

Yeesh.  A gun?  Why??????


The full commercial is readily availabe on iSpot, Youtube, etc.




@Cakers3  I don't know why a gum except that is what it looked like to me.  The part you mentioned where the mother is taking the control from his hand as he sleeps is not shown in my area.  That would have explained it to me, but thank you for taking the time to do it.  I will check out the full version on Youtube.



Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!