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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

@lgfan wrote:

@manny2 wrote:

@monicakm wrote:



Just stop watching it.  I just shake my head at ALL the people complaining about QVC's shows and hosts but they keep watching.  I can't think of anything I'd watch if I disliked it that much.  In fact about 4 years ago I disliked ALL tv so much I just stopped watching.  Do I miss General Hospital and My Lottery Dream Home?  Yes, yes I do.  I stopped watching the news after weeks in front of the tv after 9-11.  I'm happier without ingesting daily, horrible news.



Do you live in the same universe as the rest of us. It’s human nature to complain. You are complaining about the rest of us.


People don’t watch to complain. People watch and complain when they see something they don’t like.


What's the problem?



I agree with you.  I find it funny that people constantly complain about people who constantly complain about QVC.


Just like the wonderful advice of changing the channel people should stop reading pessimistic threads.  They will save themselves a lot of grief.


It’s outrageous. @lgfan  This should be a safe place to give an opinion or point of view without the mob mentality. One person starts and then everybody jumps in with the negative posts about the poster! Not about the subject matter.


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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

I like the entertainment.


Better than the possibility of a boring host who recites colors, fabric, measurments, etc.


I gave up the TV news years ago. 

I get plenty of updates from various seniors 90 plus age who love to read their newspapers every Sunday.  I learn from them.


I've saved a lot of money re: newspaper subscriptions which are very high priced around here.


Of course, watching real court and crime shows isn't very 'positive', but I do learn from them.  


Trying to keep safe and careful is a positive thing, imo.  





'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

I thought Kim and Mary was very entertaining. Mary still gets the information out there while still having fun on the show. I may not buy anything all the time, but I enjoy tuning in and enjoy watching them together. Kim is a hoot and a half with Mary, but can be serious when need be.
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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

You're reading my mind right now!  I was going to ask if anyone else was annoyed by all the fake exuberance and laughing (guffawing).  The LOUD open mouth laughing for no reason is obnoxious. I only laugh when something is FUNNY. 

Right now both Amy and Alberti have been laughing Loudly at everything for 45 minutes - I wasn't aware that "Fri-yay" was a "comedy".  

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

@millieshops wrote:

@dmeasy I've solved the problem for me.  I don't watch for details unless what I see is already something I know I need to buy.  Makes it easy to listen and catch the details among the banter because I surf out in less than 10 or 15 seconds when I know nothing said will convince me to buy.

That's the same procedure I use for the posts on the Forum.  I read very few of them.


  I found I was spending far too much time watching online and reading here with too little helpful information for me either place.  I don't expect the rest of the shopping world to bend to what I can use.   I'm old and we are a tiny part of our nation's population.

Guess what? The "older" American age group (65+) is the highest spending sector in the country. These are stats you can look up. I know - it confounds me to see how this channel gets so much wrong.

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

@PamfromCT wrote:

Kidding around is one thing in moderation,  but so many are so LOUD.  I avoid loud people, in my real life, and certainly on my TV.  And some are both loud and crude, a real no-go for



Does the Q management think that we all need to be "cheered up" by over-the-top host behavior?  Or -- maybe they've all had too much caffeine (or wine)?  And they're almost yelling at us --- I know, I can turn down the volume but that's not the problem. The fake loud "laughing" over everything is just bad acting.  Amy + Alberti think they're clever and entertaining BUT they're not.  Don't these people get exhausted?

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?



Increasingly, QVC has put their focus more on the "entertainment" factor and less on the quality of products they sell.  Back about 15 years ago, shows were mostly generically titled by the type of items sold -- not the name of the host.  Now it seems most shows are titled with a host's name.  


The set used to be a table and the item being sold.  All the focus was on the item and not some elaborate set.


Their newest show has a gigantic TV screen, floor-to-ceiling almost.  It makes a person wonder how much money is put into things like that, instead of the actual object they're selling.  


It seems they are desperately trying to compete in the entertainment world which is counterproductive.  The entertainment world is vast and has endless competition. Whereas, how many shopping channels are there?  In America, the main ones are HSN, QVC, and maybe ShopHQ.  Why not stay true to what you are, a shopping channel, and be the best one that you can be?   


Not saying shopping channels can't evolve with the times, but perhaps the focus should be put back on the item being sold.  

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

[ Edited ]

Me -- I miss the days of yore when I could switch the TV onto QVC  and  open my mail or clean out the fridge!  I bought more stuff then too.  I'm in that  dubious "50+ " target group and it makes no sense for the hosts to  try to be such over the top amateur "entertainers".  My  ears and brain work just fine, in fact with maturity I've become more discerning.  The new "EVERYTHING" is that the whole world has become faster & louder -  let's not try to make it worse!


P.S. Does every presentation NEED to refer to customers who are "older women, menopausal, grandmas, wrinkled, aging, leaky, tired, needing loose clothes, etc"?  They're wearing out their theme of "Fabulous". 

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

If the hosts want to act silly, it is ok with me as long as they mention and point out all the important information about the product.  Some do and some do not.  I only watch the ones who point out the important facts about the items and who allow the vendor to do the same without interrupting or cutting them off.

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Re: Comedy Show or Shopping Channel?

Do you remember when each 1-hour "show" was ONE QVC host with ONE presenter?  Right now there were 6 Q people on the set showing off one jacket.  And NEVER did another Q host run onto the set to exclaim something about their weekend plans or dance around with a wineglass & no music?  And I don't remember ANY QVC host staring intensely into the camera and shaking their finger in my direction.  It's all too aggressive for me and it insults my Fabulous 50+ self.  All these younger people "telling" me WHAT to buy and When.  Or - younger women (I.e. Jennie Garth) telling me how to "accept myself" and how to deal with getting older!  HA. I don't turn on QVC for any stinkin' Life coaching.  STOP IT. I only want to see and buy some new stuff.
Ha - i needed to rant a bit and air some grievances today so I appreciate this Forum. I miss the old QVC.