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@FastDogWalker2 wrote:

Wipes are not in the stores near where I live.  I checked out the QVC face masks but unfortunately they are on backorder.



If you are talking about the 50 count disposable masks they have those on Amazon. Looks like different prices with some being available in May & some not until July. 

You might check Etsy.

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Just buy any wipe and pour some Clorox into the container and wa-la, you have clorox wipes!

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I bought the five pack at Sams Club a week ago.

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Son bought a 5 pack at a local BJ's last weekend so I just looked on-line and they do show the 5 pack as available @ 14.99 But, I don't know if you have to be a member to order. If so and you are not, got any friends who are that could order them for you?

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For those of you using water mixed with bleach, keep in mind that you have to change it every 24 hours because bleach loses its effectiveness when mixed with water. This is stated online on different websites
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Tea tree essential oil has anti-viral properties, so if you add some drops to any cleaner or DIY mixture it will help with disinfection.

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The article I saw with the same time frame for more availability also stated that at least part of the reason was because some of the components to create them come from China. 


Geeezzz. Will we ever learn.

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Just wanted to share that our Walmart had three full shelves of Clorox Wipes this evening, but I noticed the containers are smaller than they used to be--only 35 wipes--and there is a limit of one per customer.  

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I honestly thought Clorox went out of business, their products like bleach, wipes, cleaners here have been out of stock since March. Even Costco hasn't had them available online since March.   I wondering if they laid off a bunch of workers and can't keep up with the demand. I think the public is being hoodwinked and maybe we will see prices rising due to Covid19.with Clorox. I am finding other brands and probably will stay with them when this is finally over. If a smaller company can produce why can't a large corporation like Clorox keep up? 

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Re: Clorox Wipes

[ Edited ]

@Silkeej wrote:

I honestly thought Clorox went out of business, their products like bleach, wipes, cleaners here have been out of stock since March. Even Costco hasn't had them available online since March.   I wondering if they laid off a bunch of workers and can't keep up with the demand. I think the public is being hoodwinked and maybe we will see prices rising due to Covid19.with Clorox. I am finding other brands and probably will stay with them when this is finally over. If a smaller company can produce why can't a large corporation like Clorox keep up? 



I sent them an email and asked Clorox why....the only place that has them seems to be Walmart or Amazon stores across the country dont have them, drug stores don't, office supply places dont, home depot/lowes doesn't. So what's going on since they say they are working 24/7....and all I got was a response "that they aren't shipping all their stock" she wouldnt even give me a reason....I asked was that so they could get rid of all the old stock out there so they can raise the prices with stores????....She wouldnt answer or tell me why some of the stock wasn't being shipped....Woman Frustrated  I told her if that's her company's response, then I will purchase from Clorax's competitors.... (I have been able to find some Lysol products)

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