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Anyone do this? I keep getting e-mails about it. I don't participate in Facebook and probably won't. Is this liked to that?

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I belonged to Classmates years ago, probably still do. That's how I located my best friend in high school after 35 years. It has changed & is such a hassle to browse now. I don't think Classmates & Facebook are connected but I belong to a group on FB for my school & grad year.

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It's not like Facebook and there is a lot you won't be able to see or do on it unless you pay a subscription fee.

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I was on the free version years and years ago. You won't find much unless you pay. I don't even know of many people bother with anymore. Facebook is easier...and free!

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Kind of an O/T question, but how does one find a friend from high school if you don't know their married name?

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Once this place gets your email address, you'll never get rid of them.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I also joined when it was free. One of my good friends from high school was able to find me through that site. Now it's changed due to the subscription fee, and I've switched to (free) Facebook. I think you'll find Facebook your best bet. I see lots of reunion groups that have been set up there. I've reconnected with several school friends already.
"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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I haven't been to Classmates since they started charging. It was a fun site when it was free.

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It was fun to lurk when it was free, but I don't think many people use it anymore. Everyone - except me - is on Facebook.
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I used it many years ago and located my best friend from the neighborhood where I grew up. Unfortunately, we lost contact and both moved away from the area.

I thought back then that the site was confusing. I wasn't really sure how to navigate around it.

Honestly, I am on Facebook, and have connected with many many more people from the old neighborhood and classmates from school then through Now that I think about it, I don't even think anyone has ever attempted to contact me through, LOL.

Even our high school class has its own Facebook page, and we have connected through that, as well as our reunions and various peoples achievements announced through the Facebook page.

All this to say, I'd suggest you create a Facebook account before creating a account.