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of foods that can cause cancer.  White meat can cause a type of non hodgkins lymphoma, and prostate cancer in men.   (Start happy dancing all you chickens and be quick because the next study out will say that chicken is good for us.)

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Now, the important 'facts' about this 'study':


"Eating chicken puts consumers at a higher risk of a rare form of blood cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, as well as prostate cancer in men, according to researchers from Oxford University. 


The research involved tracking 475,000 middle-aged Britons over a period of eight years between 2006 and 2014. 


Their diets were analysed alongside the diseases and illnesses they suffered with.


Around 23,000 of them developed cancer.


'Poultry intake was positively associated with risk for malignant melanoma, prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma', according to the paper published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 


The research that was carried out was an 'association study'. 


This means that it only shows the correlation between eating chicken and the certain types of cancers, rather than investigating the reasons why. 


There are a number of factors that could cause this link. 

It could mean that the meat itself contains a carcinogen but it could even come down to how the meat is cooked.


Up until now, chicken has been widely regarded as a healthy alternative to red meat.  

Red meat is known to raise health risks including breast, prostate and colorectal cancer because of how the blood from the meat product is digested."

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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I think living, eating, and breathing can be dangerous to your health. We’d better give up that lifestyle.

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@Vivian wrote:

I think living, eating, and breathing can be dangerous to your health. We’d better give up that lifestyle.

Was just gonna say that.  

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I am very leery of the food/disease connection because I think it also must be some connection between the genes in certain populations and their health.  We don't hear as much about that sort of thing as I would think there would be. Also, with so much food good/food bad back and forth, how can you believe anything about that? 


Cancer has been around for thousands of years.  So why isn't there more about who doesn't get it than who does?  Maybe genetics play a larger role in this and factors other than food do too. 

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I don't even pay attention to these studies anymore.



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Or maybe it's the hormones and antibiotic laden diets they're fed?

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Back in the early 80s when chicken was touted as  the perfect food for good health a study came out supposedly showing it was cancer causing and pork came out as the other white meat.  Dependinng on who is funding the research,  that is how the results are skewed.  One would have to stop eating everything if we listened to all those reports.  Some are prone to panic every time they read or hear stuff like this.

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I'm almost 73 and in great health.  We're all going to die of something.   I'm going to eat and drink what i want , within reason, and enjoy the time I have left.   


I'm more concerned about the chickens and the life they have before the chopping block.   I won't buy chicken if I'm not as certain as I can be that their little feet touched the ground and they ran around before the end.  The thought of chickens cooped up so tightly that their feet never touch the ground is horrible to me.

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Oddly enough, it's chicken and rice for lunch for us today!  LOL!!!