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Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

I check mine every so often, and today I found a $10 coupon off one item expires Mar 15, never knew it was there !!

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

nope, nothing on my account.  Smiley Sad

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

Zilch for me.

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

I received a coupon in the mail today for $10.00 off at HSN.

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

[ Edited ]

They used to email me about any coupons on my account.  Now they don't and I had the same experience a while ago, finding a coupon that I knew nothing about, which was set to expire in the near future.


Most recently I had $10 Spendable Kash because of a delivery delay.  They didn't even tell me about that and I only found out by accident.  Or luck?


Now, I seldom even bother to look, unless there's something specific I want.


(Just checked anyway - nothing on my account.)

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

I see 20% off ones often on the top of the HSN homepage too. 

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash

I love that HSN does this....why not the Q? They only reward newbies (up to $50!!!) not their long time customers and I don't like that at all.

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Re: Check Your HSN Spendable Kash



I check mine pretty regularly. I’m currently enjoying a multiple use $5 off coupon the expired at the end of February.