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@hennypenny wrote:

@NickNack, mr henny is a bear collector. 

Unless you are buying for resale don't worry about the stupid box. She arrived safely and that's what matters.

Some of mr henny's most precious bears have no box and he wouldn't part with them for the world.



@hennypenny  She did arrive safely and is absolutely adorable.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Charlie Bears

[ Edited ]

@NickNack, The Charlie bears etc are some of the cutest I have ever seen. Their faces are so expressive.

For many years I collected bunnies, and boy is it hard to look at the Charlie Bears and not covet all of them.

Right now we are trying to downsize. No more critters coming in the house (yeah, sure)--- But we are holding strong. 

I am so happy you love your new critter.

Just want to add. I adore that face. she needs cuddling.---lol

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Oh @hennypenny I have a small wicker basket filled with bears ,and one bunny. The bunny is Peter Rabbit ,and he is wearing  his blue waist coat and carrying a carrot. If you push on his tummy he talks. I got him years ago


I also have a tiny stuff wool Winnie the pooh  that is  tiny blue hounds check. I got him at the Thrift shop ,I volunteered at ,years ago. My other bear is wearing a yellow rain slicker and hat, and the last one is dressed in plaid pants, with a green sweater, and red scarf. He is wearing a green and red  stocking cap, perched  jauntily over one ear


I love them all

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@cherry, they all sound adorable. 

It's funny, mr henny has been collecting for over forty years. The most valuable ones are the ones that he parted with the most easily. The ones a bit tattered or with out papers and boxes are the ones that he cherishes. 

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@NickNack  @hennypenny  @GAQShopr53  & all:


I just ordered my first Charlie Bear, having stumbled into Dan's show by accident (he was fabulous playing with the bears).


Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 12.21.48 PM.png


However, many decades ago, as a lawyer, I was thoroughly into the Artist-Made bears and attended several doll/bear conventions.  Still have special bears around my cottage.


My bear love is back! This special 2019 Club Bear will come to the university. Whimsy and solace offered to distressed students. Every professor should probably have a teddy in the office.


I am a well-published scholar, now researching/teaching neuroscience and social behavior. And teddies still fit. I also teach THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS. 


Sensible people still need teddy bears. 


[I looked for a thread to talk Charlie Bears on, and stumbled into this one!]

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@1Professor   That's a very cute bear!  I love the long hair.  I'm loving Annabelle, my Charlie Bear.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Awwww @1Professor  he is too cute and I love the color...Enjoy!!!

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Re: Charlie Bears

[ Edited ]

I am absolutely in love with the whole line. I would buy them all in a heartbeat, but I have vowed to let go of one item a day and not buy what is not necessary. 

mr henny has collected bears for over forty years.

Your new bear baby is delicious.