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Re: Charitable donations

[ Edited ]

Well we could have a contest on who's life sucked the worst, but it serves no purpose.


It does stay with a person through the years.  It's what makes us who we are.


I give money all through the year.  A friend posts the most beautiful pictures on her facebook page.  She does volunteer work with a shelter that helps pit bulls.  Maybe 3 times a year I send her checks for $100 with the " to" left blank.  She sends me messages on the company she wrote in the "to" section.  It's usually the Pit Bull organization.  I leave it up to her. It's my way of saying to her that her pictures remind me of how beautiful life is and the beauty all around us.


I do that with a few other people usually during the year.  These people are all volunteers and know the best places to donate money and where it will be used best.  I totally trust them.


Then at the end of the year (today I've been doing it) I send out checks to friends who work in their churches (been doing it for many years).  I always leave the " TO" blank.  Then I go back and print them out the canceled checks for the accountants.


I don't mind donating money but it must be to places where there are no CEO's that are highly paid.  These places are all local.


I used to donate toys, etc to Salvation Army, etc.  Then one day someone who worked in our local Salvation Army told me some of the employees helped themselves to some of the items. 


I know it probably doesn't happen often but I'd rather keep the donations local and it's my way of thanking people who give their time to people who really need help.


When I lived with my sister and her 4 children there were times when we didn't have any food.  I remember one Christmas the Salvation Army gave the children a few toys.  I still have the pin I received.  I keep it as a reminder.


I really believe people should give during the year to local organizations.  There will always be people who give to the large organizations, good for them.


My late husband worked hard for the money we have.  I want to honor his memory to know I am helping others in my community.


I also every now and then send flowers to a few friends who need cheering up.  My best friend's mother is almost 90.  She lives alone and her husband is in a nursing home.  Every now and then I surprise her by sending her flowers.  


I believe in sending flowers to the living.  I don't believe in sending flowers to people who've died.  I suggest other's might think of this.  


If you know someone who's lonely this time of year, if you don't want to send flowers, take them to lunch, even if it's McDonalds.  


It's nice for people to give money and toys but do it during the year, not at the end of the year when everyone else is doing it.  


I'll go sit down now.  I shouldn't have gone on and on.  I probably shouldn't say what I do.  I know there are a lot of wonderful people here on this forum.


I personally know  @ECBG who does amazing things.  And then there's @LoriLori who's a wonderful daughter.  I know there are other's.



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@ECBG I just sent you a little something today.  It's not flashy but it's useful and I wanted you (when you use it) to remember how much I love you.

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My grandson's birthday is December 15th. When he was about to turn 5 or 6, he was planning a birthday party with his entire classmates, all his cousins and extended family members, including his birth family members (his is adopted and it's an open adoption).

Knowing this huge party would generate a massive amount of gifts just before Christmas, my son and DIL talked with him about the gifts and what would one child do with so many? The three of them arrived at a lovely idea. Jackson decided to give all the gifts he received for his birthday to Toys for Tots so his friends and family members could also learn the meaning of giving to others. It was the best holiday season for everyone! When the Marine's arrived, the children (and adults) had a fabulous time visiting with them, asking quesitons about serving, as well as the Toys for Tots program, and so much more! That party was one of the best birthday parties Jackson has had in the other guests  memories because they ALL remembered about giving. 


Yes, parents and both sets of grandparents also gave Jackson gifts after the party was over. We were so proud of him! He was actually surprised we had planned a small private party for him at his favorite restaurant. Silly boy! Grandparents don't let birthday's pass without a special gift . . . even it they are small tokens of his special day. 


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Every grocery store has a bin for the Food Bank (that I know of anyway). I simply make a habit of picking up some items each time I'm in the store, bagging them up and tossing them into the Food Bank bin on my way out the door. I also volunteer with the Back Pack Program to keep children's back packs full so they are fed over the weekends, holidays and summers. Our public schools provide a healthy breakfast for low-income children which is such an excellent program and is helped by our local Food Bank. These students also receive their school lunch program at a free or reduced cost depending upon the guidelines. I seriously doubt any child is turned away if unable to pay. Our community is fighting hunger, especially among children and the elderly and/or disabled/ill with gusto. 

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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just want to mention that even clothing that you may not think is good to give away or donate often can be used for other things or sent overseas where it is desperately needed. it is generally never a good idea to throw away clothing.


here is a great article that tells you what can be done with clothing you may deem as unwearable.

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@Annabellethecat66 - I agree with you about @LoriLori - she is a wonderful daughter.



I think what you do - sending flowers and letting others decide which place should receive the donations is wonderful.   I also try not to donate to companies where the CEOs make ridiculously high salaries.

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We donate to many organizations all through the year. Many local, many not. 


One place we always send a check to during Christmas (other times as well but a larger one at Christmas, we sent $1000.00) is Far Northern Regional Center.


Our son is disabled and he has been a client of FNRC since he was four years old. They send out a letter each holiday season asking for help. Many of these people are simply forgotten, have no family left and FNRC helps to provide them a joyous holiday.


They also don’t have much money personally as most of their income (SSI and if they have a day-program job).


FNRC buys toys, clothes, food and anything that people might be needing. 

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@Fiero Woman What a very generous thing to do. You are donating not only a hot, delicious meal but also your time. This is what the Christmas season means to me.

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@In-x-s wrote:

I hope I can put my thoughts into type as this has bothered me all day.  On this mornings news program was the suggestion that kids go through and donate 5 old toys to make room for their new gifts they will get for Christmas and how it's important to show them there are those in need to donate to.


YES, I believe it's important to teach kids there are less fortunate and donating is a good thing.  However, I don't think it should be about just donating  your old "stuff" that you no longer what.  I work in a place that gets donations for homeless shelters and some seem to think that their old stuff that is no longer "good enough" for them should be appreciated by those less fortunate.  To me it is degrading and if I wouldn't use it myself, I wouldn't donate it to someone less fortunate.


Thanks for letting me just vent!


I donate gently used items because I feel better about recycling than throwing away and if someone else can get use out of it, all the better.  I don't do it because those less fortunate should appreciate my cast-offs!

That's exactly how I feel @In-x-s.  If it's stained, has holes in it or is stretched out and I wouldn't wear it, why should I expect someone else to wear it.

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I'd want to teach a child, a gently used and a new item would be the way to do it.