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Re: Changes in content and attitude

@farm girl 12 


Like you, I find most of the programming/hosts unwatchable.


It started many years back for me for a variety of reasons, so I just tuned out.  I had been a faithful shopper and spent my share.


I did miss the "old days" when I enjoyed watching and shopping...especially at the holidays.  I kept wishing it would "change back" to what it had been.


It's clear that will not happen and, eventually, I got over missing how it used to be.  Every day, it got easier to move on.


I do still visit the board.


However, my money and time are spent elsewhere.


I'm sure QVC doesn't care Cat Happy



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Re: Changes in content and attitude

[ Edited ]

But, @Witchy Woman, you are the type of customer that QVC should be caring about. That is if they want to survive.


Poster after poster write that they no longer watch, and if and when they shop it's by looking online due primarily to the behavior of the host. That should be very concerning. The live viewing, the live selling of the product should be a more complete and more detailed description of products. But it's not, so viewers tune out, sales are lost. 

Sales are what is it that QVC is not understanding? The unprofessional behavior of their host is costing them sales. It's really as simple as that.

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Re: Changes in content and attitude

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

For some reason the phrase that Rachel uses in a commercial about 'finding my power' at 50 is dumb. 

That is stupid I also do not like "finding my voice"  I never was without it. 


Favorite cuss words change as you evolve and grow as a person and your circumstances.  Yes mine way back decades ago sounded like a duck. 

Now as a grandmother it is just "Mercy" and "Oh Poo."

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Changes in content and attitude

[ Edited ]

@Patriot3@Laura14@Marsha2003@gypsysmom@Witchy Woman@Etoile308@Pamfrom CT


       Maybe it is more of a generational thing, rather than regional.  I live north of Boston and I agree. I don't like to watch the silliness and unprofessional behavior and lack of information for items.


    That is what their job is, to provide necessary information, not commentary on their personal lives. QVC used to be a classy place to shop, back in the day. Kathy Levine could teach them how to sell, as a professional . Kathy Levine and Mary Beth Roe and Lisa Robertson had a sense of humor and could be entertaining, without being obnoxious. They gave all the pertinent information.


    If the powers that be think that the silliness gets them younger shoppers, they are wrong. Young people do not shop here. Why annoy and lose the population who do shop here?


   I don't even watch the Q anymore, except occasionally, Leah

on a Saturday morning. I used to have packages arriving weekly, not anymore.


   Now, I am more likely to buy something that I see on the website, not on tv.



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Re: Changes in content and attitude

Class is class, and trash is trash and we all know what it is.  Except maybe QVC.


Standards are standards, and by how one speaks, acts, and presents themselves you know who they think they are.  QVC doesn't think much of itself these days.  It has become tacky, cheap and common in merhandise, employee behavior, and approach to business.  It shows you what it thinks about women and what they are made of.


And that general image of women offends me.  Women of ANY age. It belittles and cheapens all of us.  

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Re: Changes in content and attitude

My opinion is that it is very odd to have a Q podcast with hosts speaking about things that would not be spoken about on air. It is unprofessional and hard to take a host as serious and knowledgable when I've seen them in a much different light using language and discussing intimate subjects.

I watched the first podcast and no more.
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Re: Changes in content and attitude

@farm girl 12 wrote:

I'm not a shrinking violet or have lead a sheltered life by any means. But I am extremely disappointed in the current drift on language and content.

QVC has been one of the last casual but classy business's. Even with positive references to faith.

I like the over 50 campaign being over 50 myself, but I could do without the BS reference in Mally's spot and the major attitude on display by some people. Confident, strong and fun are good things, but you don't need to be so edgy.

Really taken back about the unfiltered show starting with Shawn and saw one question was "What is your favorite curse word?" Really?

Does everything have to go somewhat trashy?

You all are so much better than this. Thank you for your time.

Dedicated customer,
Johnna H, Ohio 🤔

Sorry Johnna, we not in Kansas anymore.  The coarsening of American society along with the deliberate dumbing down, has not elevated Americans but has resulted in a less cordial, amoral, nonpolite, uncivil society.  There's not much we can do about it but to uphold our personal values, lead within our family and community by example and pray the Lord may heal our nation.  Until then, I avoid any program hosts who act like you described.  Vote with your feet.
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Re: Changes in content and attitude

[ Edited ]

@Nana2158 @farm girl 12 @SEGardener @Sakuya  @Sooner@CalminHeart@Oznell@Cakers3@Lakelife62@We rescue cats


      Social media is a big factor, but I saw the downward spiral beginning with shows like Jerry Springer and then the glut of reality shows to follow.


          Rude, disrespectful, vulgar behavior has become more acceptable and many who were influenced by seeing this kind of behavior as young children, now view it as normal.


          There used to be standards of civility on tv, but that has gone by the wayside. Now, anything goes.


          The bullying on social media, has added to the mix, as has the violence of video games that made their debut 20 years ago. Many people have become uncaring and numb to the violence. Disrespect is rampant.


           Even bad behavior by public figures has become acceptable by many. Sadly, it has become normalized.


            I don't know if the Genie (or Jinn) can be put back into

the bottle. But, I'm happy to see the Hope, Joy and Respect that has made a recent appearance. I hope that the Hope, Joy and Respect spreads.

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Re: Changes in content and attitude

Just so you know, not everyone considers "positive messages about faith" to be positive.   I could do without the virtual signaling by hosts mentioning Sunday school and Bible Class. 


I don't condone vulgarity, but I am not offended by the occasional swear word that slips in.  If Shawn asked what is your favorite curse word, however, she totally crossed a line.  But then that seems to be her specialty and she gets away with it. 


I do agree that the content of some of the on air discussions is totally inappropriate.  We need to hear about the products, not these people's personal lives and/or opinions.


And I am offended by the condescension to older women with their Over 50 snake oil salesmanship.  I personally consider this whole campaign to be trashy.  

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Re: Changes in content and attitude

In my opinion as a whole people are not held accountable for their actions.Period. Especially those who are in the public. Instead of apologizing they resort to excuses. As for the swear word I didn’t see it or hear it so I don’t know in what context it was used. If I understood correctly it was on a podcast which probably didn’t reach the vast majority of viewers, and sounds like they were being conspiratorial. I can think of worse unfortunately things.