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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

I never have gotten a call from them that I'm aware of, but I do get mailings. In fact, I haven't gotten one call robo type call for a couple days-knock wood.

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !



"Fixing" to expire?  

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

I am so sick of these calls. I receive a few of them a week. They go through spells where they will call  me every day, several times a day. I keep blocking the calls as well to no avail. All of them are telling me my warranty is about to expire, and this is my last chance. 


I just want to scream LEAVE ME ALONE. 


i do not pick up calls unless the person is programmed into my phone, but they are still a annoying.

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

This was one of the main scam calls I would get on an almost daily basis....even if you block the number, chances are the number is spoofed and not the real one they are calling from, so they just spoof another number and keep calling.....  I solved the problem by doing away with my land line, I dont get any scam, telemarketing, or robo calls on my cell phone....

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



"Fixing" to expire?  

Oh Tink that would be my East Texas twang coming out through my fingers instead of just my mouth.!!Woman LOL

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

@Spurt wrote:

This was one of the main scam calls I would get on an almost daily basis....even if you block the number, chances are the number is spoofed and not the real one they are calling from, so they just spoof another number and keep calling.....  I solved the problem by doing away with my land line, I dont get any scam, telemarketing, or robo calls on my cell phone....


You are fortunate. I do not have a landline for years my cell number was safe, now it's just fair game to the endless scammers.


That's why i do not pick up anymore unless I recognize who is calling. I have friends and family, my doctors office and even the VA programmed into my phone. 


Anyone else, you can leave a message with whatever great opportunity I am missing out on which I am going to delete.  :-)

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

I've been getting these scam calls for years.

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

@icezeus wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

This was one of the main scam calls I would get on an almost daily basis....even if you block the number, chances are the number is spoofed and not the real one they are calling from, so they just spoof another number and keep calling.....  I solved the problem by doing away with my land line, I dont get any scam, telemarketing, or robo calls on my cell phone....


You are fortunate. I do not have a landline for years my cell number was safe, now it's just fair game to the endless scammers.


That's why i do not pick up anymore unless I recognize who is calling. I have friends and family, my doctors office and even the VA programmed into my phone. 


Anyone else, you can leave a message with whatever great opportunity I am missing out on which I am going to delete.  :-)



Im so sorry these scam artist have invaded your cell phone---they are ruthless....and whats bad they have been known to spoof the phone number of your doctor or friends.......Its a shame someone cant find a way to shut these people down for good.....

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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

I get calls, email and snail mail for "my" expired car warranties.


I drive a 2020 vehicle and we also own 1996, 2004 and 2006 vehicles. Their warranties expired decade/s ago. The extended warranty could cost more than the cars are worth.


My DH keeps them in top shape.  He also gets older cars and fixes them up to donate to people who need a car. We very seldom pay anyone for any repairs.



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Re: Car warranty service scam calls daily…good money- making business !

I love the 'one last chance,' pressure. It's been one last chance for years on end. Same recording, same voice. Argh!