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No surprise. After all, this is Floriduh.

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@mom2four0418 wrote:

@Marp wrote:

Casey Anthony does not hold a private investigator license and unless she is issued a full pardon it is unlikely she will ever be able to qualify for a license.  It is not clear if she would qualify even with a full pardon.


She has registered a business.  She would be able to do research, administrative duties, hire and fire people and other activities related to operating a business.


A full pardon for what?



Exactly, she was acquited of the most serious charges, so she has no criminal conviction other than misdemeanors for providing false information to law enforcement.


July 5, 2011 - The seven women and five men of the jury deliberate for 10 hours and 40 minutes before coming back w...Anthony is found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement.


Casey Anthony Trial Fast Facts (

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Maybe she will investigate who murdered her little girl. If she looks in the mirror, case solved. She is a despicable human being and don’t know how she sleeps at night. No conscience I guess.
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@SeaMaiden wrote:

well she has to make a living doing something. 

You must be living in a another world, she is scum,let her starve.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I wonder if she ever graduated high school.  She dropped out and never did from what I understand.  She also tried to start a Photography business a few years back and that flopped.  Where has she gotten all her money since leaving jail???  What a snake she is.  

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@KingstonsMom wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

well she has to make a living doing something. 



A strip club would be pretty appropriate, since she was such a 'party girl', which led to her daughter's death.


I watched every second of that trial.....

@KingstonsMom   I also did.  It happened about an hr and a half from me.  The day she got off my hubby and I just sat with our mouths hanging open.   Her Mother is also a pathetic excuse of a human being.  UGH

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@MoonieBaby wrote:



OH MY GAUCHE!!!!!  Once again you stole the coment right outta my head!

That's what I said aloud - "she should slither down the nearest pole atop a stage"!


IG - you're the best, you are always making me smile...or think!

Pole Cat Slide GIF - PoleCat Slide GIFs@MoonieBaby 

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[ Edited ]

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

well she has to make a living doing something. 



A strip club would be pretty appropriate, since she was such a 'party girl', which led to her daughter's death.


I watched every second of that trial.....

@KingstonsMom   Let's all slither together now=====   Oh my had to remove that    didn't realize there was a nasty word attached to it.  ugh

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@KingstonsMom wrote:

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@Marp wrote:

Casey Anthony does not hold a private investigator license and unless she is issued a full pardon it is unlikely she will ever be able to qualify for a license.  It is not clear if she would qualify even with a full pardon.


She has registered a business.  She would be able to do research, administrative duties, hire and fire people and other activities related to operating a business.


A full pardon for what?



Exactly, she was acquited of the most serious charges, so she has no criminal conviction other than misdemeanors for providing false information to law enforcement.


July 5, 2011 - The seven women and five men of the jury deliberate for 10 hours and 40 minutes before coming back w...Anthony is found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to law enforcement.


Casey Anthony Trial Fast Facts (


@KingstonsMom  To take it still one more step, I believe there was an appeal of the misdemeanor convictions and two of them were overturned, meaning she was convicted of two misdemeanor counts... That's it... Based on that, I'm not sure she needs a pardon for anything in order to go into business as a gumshoe...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Casey is also very involved with these investigator/lawyer-types.

She's pure EVIL.