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[ Edited ]

@SandySparkles wrote:

Rays of sunshine parted the clouds for me today🌞 after reading this update.; it was that soul satisfying, and is indeed MY pleasure to chat with you here as well! I wish you could see my TONY ROBBINS like smile. He undoubtedly has some of the most generously sized chompers I have EVER seen.😁


It weights my heart to know you continue to battle that level of pain and discomfort.😞 I am hoping that by now you have seen a new doctor, as suggested by the podiatrist, and that you are now on an effective treatment plan. If not, I PRAY that soon you will be .🙏🤞  Although I have never had cellulitis, I can  empathize with your anguish surrounding it.😐


I thank you dearly for your prayers dear friend; ANY and ALL are earnestly appreciated.😊


Dear Lindsay has been on my mind from time to time, so this timely update is quite welcome!. I am elated to read that she will FINALLY receive the care she is in need of.🤞 PLEASE keep me posted, and give my warmest regards to her and Stacy.😊


Take great care my dear forum friend!❤🤗



~~~All we need is LOVE💖


I Posted with you both in the begining. Now @SandySparkles  it´s time to invite @Lindsays Grandma  for a visit to Costa Rica. All her troubles and pains will go away.  She can go horse back riding but no zip lining until a few months.


All the best to both of you and it´s great to see that you all are still in touch with each other.  I like this.










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@SandySparkles   I just finished placing my grocery order with Fry's and immediately came here because I have been very worried about you.  You mentioned the health conditions you have that you need to have checked again and since I didn't hear from you I became terribly concerned.  Is everything okay with you health wise?


Before I go further, who wrote that message at the bottom of your post in red ink?Woman Surprised


I went back to Dignity Urgent Care and was given a new prescription.  I could not tolerate the one my podiatrist prescribed and the newer one seems to be working just fine.  All that has to happen is for me to notice that my legs are healing.  I found a doctor who is supposed to be fantastic and Monday will make a call for an appointment.


I would love to continue this post, but my friend, I am in a lot of pain and need to go to lie down so my legs are in a prone position.  I am sure I will feel better

tomorrow at which time I will write more.  I am so relevied to know you are okay!!!!Woman LOL Heart





The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

@SandySparkles   I just finished placing my grocery order with Fry's and immediately came here because I have been very worried about you.  You mentioned the health conditions you have that you need to have checked again and since I didn't hear from you I became terribly concerned.  Is everything okay with you health wise?


Before I go further, who wrote that message at the bottom of your post in red ink?Woman Surprised


I went back to Dignity Urgent Care and was given a new prescription.  I could not tolerate the one my podiatrist prescribed and the newer one seems to be working just fine.  All that has to happen is for me to notice that my legs are healing.  I found a doctor who is supposed to be fantastic and Monday will make a call for an appointment.


I would love to continue this post, but my friend, I am in a lot of pain and need to go to lie down so my legs are in a prone position.  I am sure I will feel better

tomorrow at which time I will write more.  I am so relevied to know you are okay!!!!Woman LOL Heart



@Lindsays Grandma  I realize that sometimes if I quote someone, my Post takes on the color that the Poster used. @SandySparkles  Posted All we need is Love in Red and after I sent my Post it was also in red. This happens a lot, because I never change my color.



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[ Edited ]

@Lindsays Grandma Awwww dear friend! I Thank you so much for your concern❤, but things have not changed much.😐 Please do not worry! I have every reason to believe things will turn out fine, and if not, I am prepared for wherever my wellness journey takes me😊.


I am much more concerned for YOUR health at the moment, so please keep me updated; when you feel up to posting.😊 As always, you are in my prayers.🙏 I am so glad you are doing the right thing by RESTING, RESTING, RESTING! You do not want to see me do a virtual hand on my hips, with lips pursed, eyes squinting, and index finger wagging as I roll up my sleeves while reminding you to take it easy.😉 


@Sage04 posted encouraging words to you when Dear Lindsay began having seizures. I thought it was nice of her to revisit the thread with kind words.😊


With that said dear friend, I am off to visit a thread or two, but will check daily for an update with hopes of encouraging news🤗❤.



~~~All we need is LOVE, HUGS, and for you to get better TODAY💖



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@Sage04 Thank you for visiting this thread, and leaving such a lovely compliment.😊 I had to check, but now remember when you extended encouraging words to @Lindsays Grandma when her granddaughter Lindsay began having seizures. Thankfully, she is doing a little better, but I will let @Lindsays Grandma fill you in.😊


 When I would vacation on the Caribbean side of the country, many locals believed the waters to have healing powers. I enjoyed "splashing" around the beaches of Cahuita and Puerto Viejo, but my body felt the same exiting the water as it did upon entering😁. I now visit another beautiful beach town on the Pacific side, but there is something magical about the simple, laid-back lifestyle of the entire country; affectionately referred to as "la pura vida". I just LOVE it!😄



~~~All we need is LOVE💖



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@Sage04  I hope you didn't think I was upset about you typing in red ink, it didn't bother me at all. As for me Ziplining, I truly have no desire whatsoever to do that.  Thanks for the suggestion but it's not for me.


 Now visiting Costa Rica sounds okay, I could go for something like that.  Thanks for your input, it is always welcome.Heart

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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My dear friend you don't have to worry about me not

resting when my body tells me I should.  I know all the signs and will drop what I am doing when I know I should rest.  One of the rules with this insane Cellulitis is that it is important to keep the legs up, pretty hard to do when sitting at a computer.


Other than that, I am not sure at this time that we will be moving anywhere.  Stacy of course makes decisions before she knows what is involved.  For instance when quite a few years ago she decided we were all going to move to Florida.  Of course this was against my wishes and I attempted to instill in her the reasons she would not want to live there, to no avail.


 My parents moved to FL from New York when my father retired and my sister as well when her husband retired.  I was fully aware of the humidity as well as other factors but she ignored it.  So we loaded a moving van, attached my car to it, while IT drove the van with Lindsay and I was a passenger in Stacy's car along with our German Shepherd Dog.  We made many stops along the way to eat and sleep but I will admit it was an interesting, if not insane thing to do.  All in all, after having been in FL for a few months she decided we should head back to California where we had been living before the adventure.


Moving is not inexpensive and when deciding which state one wants to move to, it involves a lot of work and money.  So now my dear daughter has realized we are not in the position to do that just now.  She has always been impulsive, there are traits in a person that cannot be changed and her impulsiveness is one of them.  


So on the way back to CA, my former hair stylist who lives in Lakewood Colorado suggested we head for his house to stay with him and his partner for awhile.  That is what we did and I was so happy to see him because we became close friends over the years he styled my hair.  I got to know his partner a bit more and absolutely adored him.  He is very intelligent and we had great conversations and I miss both of them.


I am going to ask a favor of you.  If and when you have your health issues checked, please be honest with me and tell me the results. 


So on that note, I will say goodnight for now and wait patiently for your response.  Woman HappyHeart


The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@Lindsays Grandma I was happy to read that you are taking GREAT care of yourself, but somewhat saddened to learn of your possible change in moving plans. I suppose it is better for her to have realized it NOW, than later.😐


It sounds as if you had quite an adventure on your return road trip to California. How wonderful it is that you were able to spend quality time with an old friend! That must have been a nice respite! Road trips can be soooooooo taxing.


It does my heart good to read of your caring and concern dear friend.❤ Please know that I will most assuredly keep you informed.😊


I will continue to check for your next update, and will cross my fingers, eyes, toes, arms, legs, AND feet for another encouraging report!🤪😁 Please give my regards to Dear Lindsay and Stacy!



~~~All we need is LOVE💖



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


[ Edited ]

Hello my dear friend, I have some news about Lindsay and the neurologist she saw early today.   She and Stacy left and of course I waited patiently for their return for the results.   


Lindsay looked very different when she returned home.  First of all, she was wearing a white cap with holes which covered the electrodes he placed in different locations of her head.  Along with that, she has a piece of equipment that is a video camera which she can control.


A camera you ask, why?  Well to be honest I am not quite sure other than it is placed wherever she is and when her eyes bother her she is to look at the device and say, "my eyes are bothering me."  Everything is being recorded for the doctor.  She has to wear the gear day and night for 3 days.  When she returns to the doctor he will then, hopefully, be able to see something which will give him the next step to be taken.


I do know from reading about her problem that it is not just the brain, but the spine as well that they study.  I have no idea what comes next but it certainly is obvious this doctor knows what he is doing.  I am very excited and keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't epilepsy, although it can be treated with medication.


As it turns out, Stacy's ex husband, the IT, has two sisters who had epilepsy.  I asked Stacy if she knew that when she married him and the answer was, "a little bit."  I won't say anything more about the issue other than we know things are carried from people to people.


How is your dear sister-in-law doing emotionally and is she in pain?  I know what she is going through because I've seen it three times from very close and dear friends.  Please let her know that she is on my mind and I am still saying prayers for her. I threw in a few words for you too.Woman Happy


I am still taking the antibiotics of which I have eight pills left and no way will this Cellulitis be cured in eight days.


I should have paid attention to the notice above the  that said; "Authentication Failed."  I have now lost a few paragraphs which I don't have the energy to refresh my memory to rewrite it.  There are some things I would like to add but tomorrow I will send out another post.



The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@Lindsays Grandma It is so nice to sign on and see that something substantive is FINALLY being done for Dear Lindsay! Hopefully, a proper diagnose is forthcoming.🤞 I so wish that I could give her a hug of caring, but since I cannot, PLEASE give her a big, warm bear hug for me.🤗


My DSIL is experiencing a great deal of pain lately! Her care team is fervently trying to establish a consistent pain management plan, but it is a matter of trial and error. Today has been especially tough for her.😔


Please know that your thoughts, and prayers are warmly received.❤ Indeed, your unwavering support hugs my soul.🥰


My thoughts are of you as well dear friend! Lindsay and you are nestled in my heart, and will remain in my prayers as long as needed.🙏❤❤


I look forward to your next update with hopes of more encouraging news!😊 Take great care dear friend.🤗❤



~~~All we need is LOVE💖