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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

My church does not have a nursery. All children are encouraged and welcome to worship with their family.  


Very seldom do you even know there are children at the service.  They have learned to sit there quietly.


In my engire life, I have only seen one mother nursing her child in church.  He was a toddler..walking and talking.  She just quietly sat there and I don't think people noticed or paid attention.  I caught a glimpse of her when I was standing directly behind her and she was sitting.  I couldn't see anything exposed.  I am sure God approved. After all, breastfeeding was his idea. 

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

[ Edited ]

She’s a La Leche League Leader.

This would imply her breastfeeding views are very strong.


With La Leche League,

Breastfeeding is encouraged.

As a LLL Leader, she would know this.

Breastfeeding has legal rights.

As a LLL Leader, she would know this.

Breastfeeding should be discreet. In fact, the LLL website

has a whole section based on the art of discretion.

As a LLL Leader, she should know & encourage this. 


Breastfeeding at a Texas Roadhouse, which is basically a 

cross of Outback/Chil’s...where it’s loud & noisy....

in an area causing HER stress (at the table) & causing the child

stress, is not the ideal environment for breastfeeding a child.

As a LLL Leader, she knows this. 

She’s not a very good leader/role model if she’s not following

her own teachings. 


I’m not discounting the actions of the manager. It could’ve 

been handled in a much different way in his part.


I can’t help but think she wanted to get the attention 

for her La Leche League cause...because a true La Leche League

Leader would do the opposite of what she did.




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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

I think its rude, crude and un-necessary.  Women who do that just want attention and do it for the shock value.

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

Our church is filled with babies, and some of them nurse. However, the mothers , do not pull their entire boob out and  nurse. They are discreet about it


My son is a wonderful man and also was   a wonderful boy. He never made sexual remarks about anyone. We are a modest family. He had never been around anyone that just pulled their entire breast out  ,in front of him. He behaved splendidly ,and the fact he was embarrassed, is a credit to him. He knew better than to look at the lady crammed against him with a fully exposed boob. He was 14!

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

I'm flabbergasted and extremely dismayed by some of the comments in this thread. I'll leave it at that.

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

@Carmie  Breasts are sexual objects in our culture, like it or not.


Why else would women get breast augmentation?

True in the U.S.  It's sexual all the time.  In Italy (or really in Europe) a women breastfeeding in public is normal.  I breast fed my child until he was 11 months.  He had no idea what a bottle was. It was funny.  Once when he was 9 months old, someone gave him a bottle of water.  He stuck it in his mouth the wrong way.  Only once, I had to feed him in public.  Nobody died of fright.



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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

@Pook wrote:

Another thought  -  having sex and going to the bathroom are also natural functions but who wants to see that!!??  



LOL ... I was thinking the same thing.    Woman LOL


If a person dropped their drawers and did a bowel movement in a public place, I'm pretty sure people would quickly complain .... although BM's are also "completely natural".

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

@Glitter51 wrote:

personally, I don’t see anything wrong with it!!! I’d much rather see a mom feeding her baby- it’s perfectly natural, that IS the purpose of breasts after all, THAN to see a woman just letting them all hang out just because.  I breastfed my daughter and have no qualms about it at all. 



I absolutely 100% agree with you!!!

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

I think its rude, crude and un-necessary.  Women who do that just want attention and do it for the shock value.

I really don’t think you are an old hippie...........just sayin from somebody who really was one......🤔🤔🤭🖖🏻✌🏻

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Re: Breastfeeding in public?

I really don't want to see this. It isn't a matter of rights because one person's rights do not counter another person's rights.  It's a matter or finding the proper place to nurse. I can understand why women don't want to use the rest rooms. I think more public places should have a lounge room to accomodate nursing mothers. Some theaters have a lounge area which are seperate from the rest room area.