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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

I dearly love our country and it's FREEDOMS to voice our dislikes and concerns. We don't have to leave because it's OUR right to give our OPINIONS!

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

@Nancy Drew wrote:

I have never understood the act of burning the flag. If you are so unhappy work to change things. Or leave to a country that more fits your needs.

@Nancy Drew.  See, this is where I agree with you on a few points. Yes, never understood burning of the flag. Don't see the point of leaving, but I do see the work of people trying to change things as we speak.

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

[ Edited ]

@JaneMarple wrote:

I dearly love our country and it's FREEDOMS to voice our dislikes and concerns. We don't have to leave because it's OUR right to give our OPINIONS!


The most Patriotic thing one can do is to pay taxes.

Paying hard-earned money to live in a country that allows me

certain freedoms. It’s not a piece of cloth. 

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

The future 1%, these are the kind of kids you can count on. If they are so respectful of the task of folding the flag, just think how seriously will they take defending the US.

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

@sidsmom wrote:


Not allowing it to touch the ground is just flag code.

Patriotism is taking that same flag & burning it.

The flag is just a piece of cloth.

Until people understand that freedom, they have a very

shallow view of what being an American really is. 

It isn't "just a piece of cloth."

Not to anyone who loves this country.


What sweet boys!

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

Yes, JaneMarple!, you stated essential elements of what the flag represents.

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

Unless the ideals the flag embodies are practiced without regard to race, creed, gender, religion, and on and on, then it remains solely a piece of cloth clutched by "sunshine patriots."

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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

@MorningLover, thank you for posting such a touching picture.  These young men are displaying patriotism and a love for our country.  Refreshing in this day and age.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

I think it's wonderful that these boys are learning the protocol of flag folding and the meaning of the flag not touching the ground. BUT................what puzzles me is that some of the logic behind the American seems to be twisted. 


The flag should not touch the ground out of respect but can be worn as a design for underwear and bras? Beer cozies, flip fops, sneakers etc?

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Boys Go to Great Lengths to Protect U.S. Flag

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:


Not allowing it to touch the ground is just flag code.

Patriotism is taking that same flag & burning it.

The flag is just a piece of cloth.

Until people understand that freedom, they have a very

shallow view of what being an American really is. 

It isn't "just a piece of cloth."

Not to anyone who loves this country.


Might want to read up on some history.

491 U.S. 397

Texas v. Johnson (No. 88-155)

Argued: March 21, 1989

Decided: June 21, 1989


When this ruling came down, I was appalled...though they should’ve

had a harsher punishment.  Also at that time, my significant other

had just served in the Air Force. He’s the one who schooled me

about patriotism.  And it’s funny...20 yrs later, when I met my

current SO, who finished 3 tours of duty, said the e.x.a.c.t same thing.  

They are fighting for my freedom to burn the flag. 

It stuns me how people just don’t get it. 

Spend some time learning about other parts of the World.

Suddenly everything becomes clear.