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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

@Laura14 wrote:

@jackiew My BIL is a hospital health care worker and he's actually going back to his normal routine and surgeries after volunteering with the Covid patients.  Things are really going well so far around here.  








That's excellent!

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

@Anonymous032819 Yeah, he was kind of excited after all the worry about working on that floor.  He will have his salary back and his hours but he was kind of a little sorry to give up the free time he's had.  Time to get back to it hardcore again for us working peeps.  

Posts: 66
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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

@Laura14 wrote:

@jackiew My BIL is a hospital health care worker and he's actually going back to his normal routine and surgeries after volunteering with the Covid patients.  Things are really going well so far around here.  


My son in law is also an RN in the covid unit here in Michigan and says things are pretty much back to normal in his hospital. I still worry, big time.  Not for me, for them. 

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

@jackiew wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:

@jackiew My BIL is a hospital health care worker and he's actually going back to his normal routine and surgeries after volunteering with the Covid patients.  Things are really going well so far around here.  


My son in law is also an RN in the covid unit here in Michigan and says things are pretty much back to normal in his hospital. I still worry, big time.  Not for me, for them. 

@jackiew That's great!  

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

We went out for pizza. Next day went to a steakhouse.  Hand sanitizers everywhere and everyone is masked up.  We wore masks when first walked in, then took them off when food arrived.  Everyone e glad to see us.  Everybody was spread out apart.  Felt great to go out to eat again!

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

We have been out twice also, but we were already picking up food a lot all during the shut-down because 1. I don't like to cook and 2.  we both wanted to help the local businesses.  One of the places we went was a sandwich shop and one family was leaving when we got there which left one other couple there at the time.  I noted they still had a good drive-thru service going even though it was 2:00 pm.  I like to eat a late lunch and just make it lupper so that also cuts down on the crowd issue.  The other place we ate yesterday was a local Mexican restaurant that had closed down during the shut-down.  I had really missed that one.  Now to find out if another local sandwich shop has re-opened.  He never was overly busy even before the shut-down and if he was open during the shut-down it would've only been through Grub Hub although I was never sure.  Maybe we'll do that today, a chicken ceasar wrap sounds kinda good although after working in the yard I might go for the personal pizza.

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

Wuhan opened up, restaurants included.  55 new cases from that one restaurant. They believe most cases were in people closest to air conditioning vents. They're studying the connection between the two.

I read this on the internet ,so everything is suspect today.  But the fact that quite a number of people have no symptoms when most contagious is sobering. 

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

I'm in South Texas, things are opening up gradually. We're still getting new cases daily but they are in the low double digits. I saw the pictures of the Mother's Day gatherings and it was terrible. No social distancing, they were using all the tables and it was just bad. People were laughing and having a great time but too close for me. 


I've been going to work the whole time but the majority of the office is Mobile and working from home. And we got a letter on Friday that the stay home (working mobile) was extended until July 1st. 

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

[ Edited ]

@Pook wrote:

I guess we all have to choose our level of comfort in reopening but from what I see there are way too many radicals who selfishly do not care about doing what most are doing for the good of all  and don't care about  anyone other than themselves.  It only takes a few to start the spread all over again.  They are the ones who will not wear masks or social distance and will be the ones to infect others!!

@Pook @qvcfreak 


Texas here too....

There was a bit of a fiasco here at a 99 Cent Store....A customer refused to wear a mask (stores are allowed to enforce their own rules)....the guy refused and got into an argument with another customer....and even tried to choke him, another customer got it all on video...the Store Manager asked the belligerent customer to leave, he refused, the police were called and the guy skidattled, police are looking for him not so much for violating store policies, but due to the fact he assaulted another customer, and that customer wants to press chargers.....And the guy that was arguing had his young daughter with him...SMH!!!!  BEWARE these are people you might encournter....Woman Frustrated


I worry about restaurants being lax as time goes on with disinfecting and workers practicing good hygene....In the past (pre-virus) I witnessed people cleaning tables with what looked liked not so clean rags.... I did my own cleaning of the table with my own Purell....

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Re: Been out to eat twice this week

@Laura14 wrote:

@Anonymous032819 Yeah, he was kind of excited after all the worry about working on that floor.  He will have his salary back and his hours but he was kind of a little sorry to give up the free time he's had.  Time to get back to it hardcore again for us working peeps.  



Glad things are going well in Georgia with your re-opening... Woman Very Happy

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”